I am trying to assign several inspection lots to a Quality Certificate, any body has done that? Once again, a lot that was created during the production process and the lot for finished goods. How can this be made possible? --------------------------------------------------------- You cannot assign inspection lots to a CoA. You can only specify which characteristics you want to appear on a CoA via the COA profile (transaction QC02). Via the field "result origin" you can specify from where the values should be derived: from batch characteristics, from material specifications, from inspection results, or from materials/batches of the production chain. Via the last option and via the button "materials" you can specify which materials and lot origins are used to find the results. But this only works if you have the "batch where-used list" working for the finished product that you print a CoA for. So in this way you can influence what kind of inspection lot will be used, to get the inspection results for a characteristic which will be printed on a CoA --------------------------------------------------------- If they are all part of the same process, you just need to specify they are coming from the production chain and the system will follow the process back until it finds the required MICs. Since it is the inprocess and after production lots you could also transfer the results to the batch master and just read them from the batch master. --------------------------------------------------------- Thanks. Where should we specify that the results are coming from the production. --------------------------------------------------------- In the certificate profile, for characteristic, the results origin and Insp spec origin should be from production chain. --------------------------------------------------------- Are you talking about in the config section? I am sorry having hard time to understand. --------------------------------------------------------- They are talking about setting this directly in the certificate profile itself. When you create the profile you will first create a header then you will add the characteristics in the detail screen. It is here you can set the results origin. --------------------------------------------------------- You cannot explicity assign inspection lots to a COA,
but you can retrieve certain insp. lots during your COA generation routine.
Here is the approach that we use to do this in 46C:
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