Inspection plans contain information on how the quality inspection of the materials is to be performed. The necessary specifications, such as the sample size and the inspection characteristics, are created in the system as QM basic data. Business Example In your enterprise, inspection plans are used to determine the inspection criteria for materials and products. In inspection planning, the required basic data and the inspection plans are created and processed. Process In inspection planning, you create material-related information that is used when this material is inspected. You use inspection plans to describe how a quality inspection should be processed for one or more materials. You define in the inspection plan in which order individual inspection operations should be performed and which inspection characteristics should be inspected using which specifications. In the inspection plan you determine the inspection operations, the characteristics to be checked for each inspection operation and the text equipment to be used. The inspection plan used in QM is similar to the routing and the rate routing, as well as the master recipe. There are only slight differences between these task list types with regard to the inspection plan functions. Task list types In the SAP System, the following task list types are used for planning purposes:
You can include the characteristics you require in the different task list types. Inspection Plan Structure All task lists in the SAP System, including the inspection plan in QM, have a multi level structure:
You can cumulate several task lists in a task list group. For example, in the task list group, goods receipt inspection, you can cumulate the relevant inspection plans for the model inspection, the preliminary series inspection and the series inspection. Through the operations individual inspection steps in an inspection plan will have to be described. You determine for which inspection site a specific inspection takes place. You use inspection characteristics to determine what is to be inspected and according to which specifications the inspection is to be performed. Inspection characteristics are subordinated to the inspection operations and are indicated by a number within an operation. Using Task Lists You can create task lists for different purposes, for example:
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