Explain the relationships between
sample procedures, sampling schemes, sample drawing procedures, dynamic
modification rules and inspection plans.
Sample Procedure: A sampling procedure defines the rules that specify how the system calculates the sample size and it contains information about the valuation of an inspection characteristic during results recording. Sampling procedure used at characteristic level of task list (Inspection plan) or material specification. Sampling Scheme: Sampling Procedure can be created with sampling Scheme. You can refer sampling scheme in the sampling procedure if you want the system to determine the number physical samples automatically. Sample Drawing Procedures: This is also master data in which you plan the drawing of physical samples. In this we will specify: - Which categories of physical samples must be drawn - How many physical samples must drawn - The size of each physical sample - Whether the drawing of physical samples must be confirmed Dynamic Modification Rule: This is contains the definition of inspection stages (Skip)and conditions of inspection stage change. Inspection stage change occurs on the basis of inspection result that are recorded for inspection lots and inspection characteristics. You can use dynamic modification rule at following places: - In the inspection plan at the header level - In the inspection plan at the characteristic level - In the inspection setup of the material master record at the inspection type level Inspection Plans: Inspection plan which define Inspection criteria, can create inspection plan for different uses. (for example, model inspection, carrying out an audit, preliminary series inspection, goods receipt inspection, goods issue inspection, inspection of stock transfers, inspections in repetitive manufacturing. The above all are inter-related. |
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