How to Apply APO 3.0A Frontend Patch?

     SAP Note No. 356408

     Version             9 from 08.03.2001
     Short text          How to Apply APO 3.0A Frontend Patch
     Component           APO-OCX
                         ActiveX controls

     Confused at applying APO 3.0A Frontend Patches (OCX Files)
     Additional key words
     GUI CD Compilation, Installation CD Patch, APO OCX Files
     Cause and prerequisites


     Table of Content
     0. Introduction
     1. How to View the GUI Version Information
     2. SAPGUI CD Compilation
     3. Make Your PC a SAPGUI Installation Server
     4. Patches to SAPGUI Installation CD
     5. Location of Frontend Patch Files
     6. Upgrade SAPGUI without Deinstall Previous SAPGUI
     7. Apply New APO Frontend Patch Steps
     8. Apply New APO Frontend Patch to PC without GUI Installation Server

     0. Introduction
     Applying APOGUI patches to APO 1.1A and 2.0A system has been quite a
     challenging work to customer's administrators and our consultants.  We
     usually release a new set of OCX files and ask administrators to copy
     them to a local hard disk in a folder "Program Files/Common Files/SAP
     Shared/System", then register them using regserv32.exe program.  The
     advantage of this approach is you can do-it-yourself. The disadvantages
     are: a) you don't know whether you did it right or not, b) you cannot
     remove these registered OCX files while uninstalling SAPGUI because they
     are not part of uninstall information.

     The GUI developers have been working on making this process easier.
     However, there is a lot of confusion among users. This note is
     attempting to give a better explanation on the whole procedure.

     1. How to View the GUI Version Information
     From SAPLogon Pad, click the upper left corner, and select About SAPGUI
     menu. The SAP Version Information dialog box shows up.  From there you
     can read the a set of numerical numbers after File Version, for example
     4640.4.310.8851.  The first two digits 46 stand for R/3 Release 4.6. The
     third digit 4 stands for the version of R/3 release, i.e., 1 for A, 2
     for B, and 3 for C.  The second set of number, 4, stands for the GUI
     compilation number.  The third set of numbers, 310, stands for the patch
     level of this GUI.  And the last set of numbers stand for the Build
     number.  So the above example translates to a 4.6D GUI, with
     Compilation 4, Patch Level 310, and Bulid 8815.

     2. SAPGUI CD Compilation
     From July 1999, SAP started using the term compilation for SAPGUI CD.
     Whenever a new SAP software is released, for example, APO add-on or BW
     add-on, a new compilation is created.  The latest compilation covers all
     previous compilations.  The current compilation is 3.

     All new GUI should work with old R/3 and New Dimension Products. For
     example, APO 3.0A GUI should work with both APO 1.1A and 2.0A systems.
     Currently we recommend 4.6D based R/3 GUI for APOGUI.

     OSS Note 166130 lists all the SAPGUI CDs with their compilation
     information, for example:
          SAP Frontend Package 4.6D Final Compilation 3
          CD Mat.-No. 50042822
          Product  Version   Release State    Patchlevel
          R/3      4.6D      Final            172
          APO      3.0A      Final            5
          BW       2.0B/2.1C Final            6

          SAP Frontend Package 4.6D Final Compilation 2
          CD Mat. No. 50041166
          Product Version   Release State    Patches
          R/3      4.6D      Final            85
          APO      3.0A      Final            3
          BW       2.0B      Final            4

          SAP Frontend Package 4.6D Final Compilation 1
          CD Mat. No. 50039923
          Product  Version   Release State    Patches
          R/3      4.6D      Final
          APO      3.0A      Final
          BW       2.0B      Final

     3. Make Your PC/Laptop a SAPGUI Installation Server
     To find out which compilation of SAPGUI you installed, you need to find
     out the CD number of which you used to install the GUI. However, you
     might not know that in many cases.  If you plan to maintain your SAPGUI
     by yourself because of no access to a network server at an office, you
     should install the SAPGUI to your laptop's disk as a GUI Installation
     Server. This will give yourself the flexibility of updating new GUI
     files at any time and location without coming into an office.

     To install a SAPGUI software on your laptop disk as a GUI Installation
     Server, do the following:

     1.  Run setup.exe from folder GUI\Windows\Win32 on SAPGUI CD;

     2.  Select "Installation of a server" option in Window "Installation
         Type", instead of "Local Installation";

     3.  Specify a folder to store the GUI installation software, e.g.
         The entire GUI software will be copied into the specified folder.
         Keep in mind, the folder structure is not the same as SAPGUI CD.

     4. Patches to SAPGUI Installation CD
     Whenever there are new files included in SAPGUI patches, for example new
     OCX files are introduced, or minor error is found in SAPGUI installation
     script, a new script file should be used.  The SAPGUI installation
     script file is sapsetup.nid.  This file is usually delivered in a zipped
     file format
     Where XXX stands for release, Y for compilation, and Z for patch level.
     For example, nid46D_cpl2_3.exe is for 4.6D SAPGUI compilation 2 CD at
     patch level 3.  You should always take the correct compilation version
     to your SAPGUI CD.  After downloading the latest NID file, replace the
     sapsetup.nid file in folder netinst.

     5. Location of Frontend Patch Files
     All frontend related patch files can be downloaded from
     Here is a list of sapservX in the world:   sapserv3  for Walldorf  sapserv4  for San Francisco  sapserv5  for Tokyo sapserv6  for Sydney sapserv7  for Singapore

     6. Upgrade SAPGUI Without Deinstall Previous SAPGUI
     In the past, the general recommendation of installing a new SAPGUI is to
     deinstall the previous SAPGUI.  With the release of 4.6D GUI, the
     deinstallation is not required if (OSS Note 330730):
          1) You want to install the 4.6D Gui.
          2) You require at least compilation 3 of the 4.6D Gui or the
     SapSetup patch setup46D_1.exe (see Note 153341 regarding the
     installation of set-up patches) on your installation server. The
     compilation 3 of the 4.6D GUI will probably be available at the end of
     the 4th quarter 2000.
          3) The GUI, which should be updated, must at least have version
          4) The existing GUI must have been installed with SapSetup. To be
     able to execute the update, call netsetup.exe with the additional
     command line flag /update. All installed components are updated

     This means you need to use the latest sapsetup program if you don't have
     compilation 3 SAPGUI CD. Retrieve the latest setup46D_X.exe file from
     sapservX, unpack it to a blank temporary directory, and copy the files
     to GUI\Windows\win32\netinst before using the installation program.

     7. Apply New APO Frontend Patch Steps
     The general concept of applying new GUI patches is: make all the changes
     at Installation Server side, then ask users to reinstall GUI from the
     Installation Server wihtout any knowledge about the changes, and the
     GUIinstallation tool will intelligently know what to update.

     If you are a do-it-yourself person, you need to create an Installation
     Server on your own laptop/PC, then apply any new patches whenever it
     becomes available, so that you can reinstall the GUI from your own

     Installation Server after that.

         Import and Load Patches to the Installation Server
         A. Make sure you are working on a SAPGUI installation server.

         B. Download the following files to installation server (X is the
            highest number): sappatch46D_X.exe, setup46D_X.exe,
            gui46D_X.exe, and apo30A_X.exe.  Save them in a temp folder.

         C. Unzip file sappatch46D_X.exe to obtain files sappatch.exe,
            sappatch.dll and sapadmin.exe, and copy them to netinst folder
            on the installation server.
     Note: Without this patch tool update, you do not have sub-menu Apply
           Patch under menu Tools in SAPAdmin Window described below.

         D. Start SAPSetup Configuration Program SapAdmin on an installation
            server.  You must follow the following two rules to avoid any
            errors like files are not available.
            Rule 1: Use an UNC path by calling: \\<hostname>\<ShareName>
            Rule 2: ShareName should point to the folder which you installed
            GUI server software, e.g., GUIServer as in Section 2, not the
            sub-folder like netinst.

         E. In menu Tools, select Apply Patch sub-menu.

         F. Select the patches from a temp folder with downloaded files in
            Step B.  After the patch is extracted, the content of the patch
            can be viewed in the Apply Patch Window. Click the Install
     Note 1) The patches can be installed include setup46D_X.exe,
             gui46D_X.exe and apo30A_X.exe.
     Note 2) In the past, the content of apo30A_X.exe is OCX and DLL files;
             You can unzip them, put them in a control file folder and
             register them using regserv32.exe.  The new approach contains
             all the control files in a file apo30A_X.sfp.  Only SAPAdmin
             tool can handle it.

         G. Unpack NID file and copy it to netinst folder if necessary,
            as described above.

         Transfer Patches from the Installation Server to a Client PC
         H. Close all SAP applications on a PC.

         I. If you installed a predefined or self-defined package using
     netsetup.exe, import the patches using
            \\<ServerName>\<ShareName>\netinst\sapsetup.exe /Intellimode
     /checkDB /p:"<PackageName>".

         J. If you installed a predefined components using setup.exe (this is
     a common approach, you select APO Add-on in the installation window for
     example), import the patches using
     Then select the component(s) that you selected in the original

     8.  Apply New APO Patch to A PC without GUI Installation Server
     If you have installed SAPGUI using Compilation 3 CD and want to apply
     APOGUI patch from SP7 (apo30A_8.exe), you can do it directly without
     Installation Server.

         A. Update the sapsetup.exe on your PC/laptop. Download the local
     patch file localpat46D_X.exe from sapservX, unzip the files and copy
     them into "Program Files\SAPPc\netinst" folder on your PC.

         B. Open a DOS window, change the directory to "Program Files\SAPPc
     \netinst", then run sapsetup.exe /patch.

         C. Use browse button to select the latest APOGUI patch, and click
     Install button after files are extracted.

     Source code corrections

     Valid releases
     Software Component                        Release
                                               from            to

     SAP_APPL   SAP Application                46C          - 46C

     SAP_BASIS  SAP Basis component            46D          - 46D

     Further components

     Frontend Installation

     Reference to related Notes

     Number    Short text
      96885    Downloading frontend patches
     166130    SAP frontend: Delivery and compatibility
     153341    Patch frontend installation program
     390212    APO 3.0 frontend patch 11 (March.2001)
     361222    SapPatch: Importing GUI Patches
     311212    Sapsetup.nid - general corrections
     330730    GUI update to 4.6D
     320835    APO 3.0 frontend SP and GUI compatibility
     510093    SAP APO 3.X Frontend Information for Asia

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