What is standard cost estimate?
Standard cost estimate are created at the beginning of
a fiscal year or a new season. The standard cost estimate is then
valid for the entire year or season. It is used to determine a standard
price for materials in this period.
The standard cost estimate will write the results of the
cost estimate into the costing details screen of the material master record
as the future standard price once it is marked. This price is then
active for internal material valuation. For example, it can be used
to valuate a material components in the cost estimate.
Once the cost estimate is released, the system transfers
the result of the standard cost estimate into the material master record
of the material as the standard price. This price is then active
for Financial Accounting and is used for valuation of the material until
the next time a standard cost estimate is released.
In this period, all transactions involving products produced
in-house in the Logistics module are valuated using the results of the
standard cost estimate. If a material with standard price control
is delivered to stock, for example, inventories of this material are valuated
with the standard price determined by the standard cost estimate.
The standard prices calculated in the standard cost estimate
applies only for materials with S price control.
Cost Estimate with Quantitative Structure
The cost estimate is a tool for establishing prices for
materials. It is used to calculate the costs of goods manufactured
and the costs of goods sold for each product unit.
In order to establish the cost estimate with quantity
structure of a material, the bills of materials and routing of the material
must exists for the materials to be costed.
The cost estimate with quantity structure uses the material
master data to determine the material consumption and internal activities
required to produce the product.
Costing calculates the cost of goods manufactured for
each material made in-house in the BOM structure.
The materials in a BOM are called BOM components, these
can consist of a material without its own BOM (material components), or
a material with its own BOM (assembly). If the product has a multilevel
BOM, then the costs for the material components are calculated and taken
into account when the next highest assembly is costed. The structure
of the BOM determines the sequence in which the materials are costed.
The BOM components with the largest low-level code (that is, the material
components) are costed first, then the BOM components with the next low-level
code and so on.
Costing can also determine the cost of goods manufactured
for materials produced in another plant if the two plants are assigned
to the same controlling area and the company codes of the plants use the
same cost component structure. In this case, the structure of the
cost component split must be the same in both plants.
For raw materials, the system determines the procurement
price using the entry in the material master record. A cost component
split is created automatically for the material costs. You can add
manually entered costs to the material costs by means of an additive cost
estimate that contains separate cost components. This enables you
to include such costs as freight charges and insurance costs with raw materials
or stock transfer costs with semi-finished products. Other reasons
for adding manually entered costs to the material cost estimate include
missing routings or BOM components.
Normally, a multi-level production structure is costed
using costing with a quantity structure. The costs are rolled up
automatically using the low-level codes.
The materials in the low-level code with the largest number
(such as raw materials) are costed and the costs are assigned to cost components.
The materials in the next highest low-level code (such as
semi-finished materials) are costed. The costs for the materials
costed first are rolled up and become part of the material costs of the
next highest level.
This process is continued until the calculated costs of the
highest material in the structure (such as the finished product) contain
the costs of goods manufactured for every material in the structure.
Creating a cost estimate for a single material and
its child parts with quantitative structure
Transaction CK11
Enter PPC1 (standard SAP variant - configuration transaction
OKKN) as the costing variant, material and plant. If you do not enter
a lot size, the system uses the costing lot size from the costing view
of the material master record.
Hit Enter
The dialog box: Control Data appears
Check the proposed costing dates in the dialog box and the
transfer control ID. The transfer control would determine whether
the cost estimates of the child parts supplied by other plants are to be
recomputed or taken as its is without recomputation. Use Transfer
Control PC01 which would recompute.
Press Enter and the system will costs the material.
The system creates and valuates the quantity structure and
calculates overhead. You can analyze and display the costing results.
After carrying out costing with quantity structure, you can
see the costing results for the header material (the highest material)
in the BOM.
Choose the desired view with costs -> disp.Cost components.
Click Save (Note the standard cost is still NOT updated yet
at this point.
Marking a standard cost estimate for a single material
master and its child parts
Transaction CK20
Enter the Material, plant, future posting period and fiscal
year. This period indicates the "from" date.
Click Save (Marking of standard cost estimate is being updated)
is displayed.
The results of the standard cost estimate are updated as
the futured standard price in the material master (accounting and costing
view). Note that marking does not affect the material stock value
Releasing a standard cost estimate for a single Material
Master and its child parts.
Transaction CK21
Enter the Material and Valuation Area.
Click Save
The corresponding future standard prices are updated as the
current standard prices in the material master. How often you release
a standard cost estimate depends on its planned validity period.
If stocks of materials exist, the stock value changes and a document is
created in Financial Accounting documenting the price change.
The system post to the inventory account with offsetting
entry posted to the price difference account.
Costing Run Steps
CK41 - Create costing run
Some Material
CK43/CK60 - Selection of materials
and display results of selection
CK62 - Explode BOM
goto Continue
All Material
CK43/CK60 - Material field left blank
and display results of selection
goto Continue
Before this step you have to finished
the step for either Some Material or All Material.
CK42 - Select the low-level code with
the highest number
CK64 - Perform costing run for that
low-level code
CK66 - Mark and review the results
After getting approval for costing
results from costing controller, you can finally post the cost estimate
CK68 - Release of standard cost estimate
- Repeat the process for the next low-level code for All
If Error
CKR1 - Delete cost estimate and start
Correcting the Cost Estimate
CKR1 - Delete cost estimate
Make necessary changes to BOM, material routing etc.
SOME material
CK41 - Create costing run
Repeat process start
CK43/CK60 - Selection of materials and display result of
CK62 - Explode BOM
CK42 - Select the low-level code with the highest number
CK64 - Perform costing run for that low-level code
CK66 - Mark and review the results
Get approval for costing results from the costing controller
CK68 - Release of standard cost estimate
Repeat the process for the next low-level code (goto Repeat
process start)
ONE material
CK11 - Perform single material cost estimate
CK20 - Mark and review results
CK21 - Release of standard cost estimate
Costing Run
Costing run is used to process mass data. The costing
run enables you to cost more than one material at the same time, either
online or in the background. It reproduces the entire process of
costing with a quantity structure.
Process Flow Overview
Create costing run
Company code
Posting parameters
Costing variants
Costing dates
Some material
Select specific assemblies for
the costing run
Quantity structure determination
for the selected assemblies
All materials
Select all assemblies for the costing
After completing the steps for either
Some material or All materials
Carry out costing run
Mark and release costing
The costing run involves separate steps, being the selection
of materials for costing, determining material components via the BOM explosion,
and then carrying out costing level by level.
BOM explosion is only necessary if a complete selection
of materials is not carried out, such as the selection of finished products
Logs are generated for each step of the costing run, and
can be printed out and saved in the system. With Extras you can print
the logs for selection and quantity structure determination, for costing
and for marking and release (online or background mode).
Creating a costing run
Transaction CK41
Enter a name identifying the costing run (i.e. test x and
the (i.e. XX.XX.XX) on which the costing run is to be executed.
Press Enter. This brings you to the general data for
the costing run.
Enter the necessary data and press Enter.
The dialog box Costing Dates appears.
Check the proposed data's and make any necessary changes.
Press Enter. The release is only possible within this period message
is displayed. Press Enter.
If costing across company codes has been activated in the
Customizing for Product Cost Planning, the system displays the controlling
area in which existing cost estimates from other company codes can be transferred.
Specify the Update Parameters.
Press Enter.
Specify the Print Parameters.
Press Enter and Save the costing run.
Selecting Materials for a costing run
Transaction CK60
Goto -> Variants -> Get. Select the variant name.
Enter a range of material numbers and plant. If the
materials selected come from different plants, leave the plant field blank.
As a default value, the last costing run entered and its
data are displayed. You can change both as needed.
Click the Copy button.
To start the selection, choose Execute. The release
is only possible message is displayed. Press Enter.
After the selection, a list screen appears with information
on the costing run and data on each material selected.
To check all messages that occurred during selection, choose
Extras -> Log
Save the costing run.
Displaying the results of selection
Transaction CK43
Enter the name and date of the costing run and press Enter.
Before carrying out any further steps, choose Extras -> Log
-> For Selection. The log provides an overview of the results of
the selection and the option to correct possible errors before carrying
out further steps.
Choose the desired view with Goto.
For example: Goto -> Material Overview.
Exploding BOMs for a costing run (only necessary if ALL
materials are NOT selected)
Transaction CK62
Enter the name and date of the costing run.
Choose Execute.
The release is only possible message is displayed.
Press Enter.
Choose Settings -> Field selection to obtain further information
on this overview.
The dialog box List Field Selection appears. You can
specify that
information on special procurement is displayed
information on the BOM is displayed
the status of the selection is displayed
the number of messages is displayed
Choose Edit -> Sort to sort the list either by low-level
code of by material number. To view the system messages that were
issued during the BOM explosion, choose Extras -> Log.
To save the materials selected under this costing run, choose
Costing run -> Save.
Choose the selected materials or low-level codes for costing
Transaction CK42
Enter the name and date of the costing run and press Enter
Choose Goto -> Low-level code overview. The release
is only possible message within this period is displayed. Press Enter.
This would set the materials in the "low-level code" order.
Mark the low-level codes or materials and choose For costing.
(**Remember that the lower low-level codes that is, the low-level codes
with the highest numbers must be costed first.)
The system will display the number of low-level code(s) selected
for cost estimate. Press Enter.
Save the costing run.
Perform transaction CK64 to execute costing run contains
that low-level code. Then save the costing run.
Perform transaction CK66 to mark the costing contains that
low-level code. Review the results and save.
Perform transaction CK68 to release the costing run contains
that low-level code.
Repeat the process from step 2 to 9 for the next higher number
of low-level code.
Executing a costing run
Transaction CK64
Enter the name and date of the costing run.
Choose Execute. Release is only possible within this
period is displayed. Press Enter.
When the costing run is finished, you come to the overview
of the low-level codes.
Select Materials and choose Goto -> Detail screen.
The system displays the costs for the material as cost of
goods manufactured, cost of goods sold, inventory costs and so on.
For detailed information on the costs, choose Costs -> Display
cost components or Itemization or Cost element itemization or Costed BOM.
The system displays the costs for the material as cost of
goods manufactured, cost of goods sold, inventory costs and so on.
For detailed information on the costs, choose Costs @ Display
cost components or Itemization or Cost element itemization or Costed BOM.
Costing run -> Save.
Marking multiple standard cost estimates
Transaction CK66
Enter the name and date of the costing run.
Choose Execute. The release is only possible message
is displayed. Press Enter.
Choose Execute. The release is only possible message
is displayed. Press Enter.
Check the prices and save.
Releasing standard cost estimate
Transaction CK68
Enter the name and date of the costing run.
Choose Execute.
Costing run -> Save.
The results of the standard cost estimate are updated in
the material master record as the current standard price. At this
time, the stock value of the material is changed and the new standard price
for valuating material movements is active.
Make sure the status is FR for all. If not, call the
Deleting material cost estimates from the database
Transaction CKR1
Enter a company code, plant, material number, costing variant,
costing version, Interval for validity form and Interval for validity to
or overwrite them.
Select the Current std cost estimates.
Specify whether the deletion should be simulated (Test run)
or actually carried out (Reorganization). Set the With log indicator
if desired.
Choose Execute.
Save. The system issues a message indicating the number
of cost estimates deleted.
Status Management in costing
The costing status provides the following information:
informs you about the current processing status of the cost
informs you about errors in the cost estimate
prevents incorrect data from being passed on
prevents a cost estimate from being released again
The status is set for each low-level code. This means
that you can release the costing results for specific low-level codes even
though the costing run itself has the status KF.
The following costing status can be set by the system:
Selected without errors
Selected with errors
Costed without errors
Costed with erros
Marked without errors
Released with errors
Released without errors
Released with errors
Release through material ledger closing