If a customer is also a vendor
You can have the payment program and the dunning program
clear customer and vendor open items. You can also select the vendor line
items, when you display the customer line items for this account.
Before you can clear between a customer and vendor account,
you must:
1. Create a customer master record for the vendor that
is also a customer.
2. Enter the vendor account number in the Vendor field
in the control section of the general data in the customer master record.
3. Enter the customer account number in the Customer
field in the control section of the general data in the vendor master record.
4. Click in the box next to the Clrg
with vend. field or Clrg with cust. field (this field will appear in the
Automatic Components payment transactions section, only after Vendor field
in the control section have been keyed) in the company code data
in both the customer and vendor master records. In this way, each company
code can decide separately whether it wants to clear the customer with
the vendor.
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