Explain the steps of implementation
ERP for any organization.
For any Non-Sap organization is going for SAP Implementation. For example: A Manufacturing company NOKIA is going for SAP i.e. ERP Package for its accounts. Then it will approach IBM for SAP Implementation. Then from NOKIA there will be a core team, consists of (Accountant, Auditor and two three Junior Accountants). From IBM there will be a team called Functional Team, consists of (FI Consultant, Co Consultant and PP and also MM and SD). Ok these two teams sit together and discuss and Core Team will give them ASIS Model. Which means how they used to follow and following, the methods and all the stuff relating to their valuation of Accounts, Vouchers and Assets and all the stuff relating to the company. Then IBM Team will take that Stuff ASIS process and prepare the Project. Here the steps in preparing and processing whole project: 1) Project Preparation. 2) Business Blue Print 3) Realization. 4) Final Preparation 5) Go Live and Support. and continuous support and maintenance of the project. These are all the steps where SAP i.e. ERP Package will
go through to get into final stage.
Suppose during one interview, you was asked that "take one of a manufacturing company and tell us the process how you will implement ERP there'' so what would be your answer, how should you start and end the question? Suppose a manufacturing company REEBOK this is a manufacturing company. This is now non-sap and going for SAP. They will purchase SAP package from SAP India which is at Bangalore. Note: SAP authorization is depends on the users. I mean how many are going to use that SAP. Then there will be a TEAM from REEBOK which we call as CORE TEAM. They are nothing but Accountant and Auditors who are working in REEBOK company. CORE TEAM consists of Manager of that Plant, Accountant, Cost Accountant, Purchase Manager, Sales Manager and etc. They sit together, because they knew what they need or
what they are expecting from SAP.
So they all put their needs from SAP package i.e. know as ASIS methodology or model. This ASIS methodology or model is steadily analyze by the SAP Services companies which are going to give services regarding installation of SAP in REEBOK company. If you want to ask about ASIS methodology or model. It includes.
These are all the cluster they have in ASIS methodology. |
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