Inter Plant Purchasing: Procedure Flow and Accounting Impact


Inter Plant Purchasing, where Plant A buys from Plant B, is a common internal stock transfer process in multi-plant organizations. This ensures efficient inventory management and cost optimization. In this guide, we’ll walk through the procedure flow, transaction codes, and accounting impacts of inter-plant purchasing using the SAP ERP system.

Procedure Flow of Inter Plant Purchasing

Step 1: Purchase Order Creation (Stock Transport Order - STO)

Transaction Code: ME27
The buying plant creates a Stock Transport Order (STO) using purchase order type UB.
This document acts as a purchase order between the two plants.

Step 2: Stock Transfer Posting to Transit (Supplying Plant)

Transaction Code: MIGO_TR
Movement Type: 351
The supplying plant receives the purchase order and issues the stock for transfer.
The system records a transfer posting to stock in transit from unrestricted-use stock.

Step 3: Goods Receipt at the Buying Plant

Transaction Code: MIGO_GR
The buying plant receives the stock and posts a Goods Receipt (GR) for the purchase order.
Inventory is updated accordingly in the buying plant.

Accounting Entries in Inter Plant Purchasing

When stock is transferred between plants, an accounting document is created at the time of transfer posting (Movement Type 351). Below is the typical accounting entry:
Account Debit (Dr) Credit (Cr)
Buying Plant Inventory
Supplying Plant Inventory

Price Difference Adjustment

If the same material has a different valuation price in the two plants, a price difference entry is created.


Material Costing View

Material Master - Costing View Price in Buying Plant Price in Supplying Plant
Material Price 100 150

Accounting Posting

Account Debit (Dr) Credit (Cr)
Buying Plant Inventory (GL: 12345) 100
Price Difference for Stock Transfer (GL: 67890) 50
Supplying Plant Inventory (GL: 12345) 150

General Ledger (GL) Determination in SAP

The General Ledger (GL) Account Numbers for stock transfers are determined based on Material Valuation Class and Automatic Posting Configuration.

Checking GL Account Assignment in SAP

Transaction Code: OMWB
Navigate to Account Assignment
Click on the Description to check the relevant GL account numbers.

Common Account Postings in Stock Transfers

Transaction Type Account Key
Inventory Posting BSX
Expense/Revenue from Stock Transfer AUM


Inter-plant purchasing in SAP involves creating a stock transport order, posting stock transfer, and recording goods receipt. The system ensures accurate inventory valuation and accounting postings. Understanding price differences and GL account assignments is essential for accurate financial reporting. Proper SAP configuration and adherence to process steps help streamline inter-plant purchases efficiently.

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