Can inbound delivery be reversed
when UD is made and QM active?
Dear All, Our client is a pharmaceutical company. We are implementing SAP R/3 4.6B with materials requiring batch management (QM is active). My problem relates to the processes of inbound delivery, Usage decision, goods receipt. The problem arises when end user while inputting the batch number in inbound delivery makes a mistake (wrong batch number and/or wrong quantity). The inbound delivery creates inspection lot, and user assigns usage decision without realizing that there is an error in input data. If now, he realizes that he made an error and wants to change the batch number, system will not allow. User cannot even reverse/cancel the inbound delivery. And the erroneous data will continue with the system as we cannot reverse any document after usage decision is taken. Is there any other way out? How can we reverse inbound delivery after usage decision is taken or How can we change the batch number?" This problem could even arise if end user created a wrong batch number while creating master itself and later realises it. If any of you had faced this problem earlier,please post the methods you adopted to solve it. Thanks in advance, with regards,
Reply : Subject : Can inbound delivery be reversed when UD is made and QM active? If we delete delivery, system will create delivery with another number....But, we need delivery document with the same number, but batch number rectified. I hope you got it. Why you use 309? In my opinion, you should delete the batch in VL02N first. if necessary, then delete the Delivery and re-create. Thank you for the reply.
Reply : Subject : Can inbound delivery be reversed when UD is made and QM active? I am operating system 4.6C at a
public school distribution center and I am using batch management on our
food products for our CNS department. If we make an error in the batch
management and have to change a batch number to correct a mistake in the
data I use TCode MB!B MovType 309 to make a transfer of inventory. I transfer
the quant of the problem batch number
Reply : Subject : Can inbound delivery be reversed when UD is made and QM active? You can always reverse GR by using MBST ( Cancilation of Mat. docuement). I am wokring extensively on the Management of Batches. Let me know if I can assit you .. Cheers,
Reply : Subject : Can inbound delivery be reversed when UD is made and QM active? So after you do Inbound Delivery, a lot is also released that is brought in Unrestricted stock. Now after that u realize that its wrong data that has feded inside. so do followig.. 1. Make a GRN with movement type
102 i.e. return to vendor..for the same quantity
Reply : Subject : Can inbound delivery be reversed when UD is made and QM active? If attempting to reverse the GR (either by MBST or by MB01-102 wrt inbound delivery) you need to ensure the QI (post to quality inspection flag) is de-selected since the stock is no longer in QI status. Also, as far as I know, the usage decision itself cannot be reversed. I've had this similar problem before (but was not even using inbound deliveries). Regards,
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