Trouble in creating inspection
lot before sales order delivery
I am trying to create inspection before delivery of Sales order, what i did is: 1. maintained insp. type (insp.
before deliv. with s.o.)
Inspection lot is generated once i deliver the sales order but, it doesn't picks up inspection plan) pl. tell the probable causes of error. From your note it sounds like your getting your inspection lot generated...but no plan assinged. Is this correct? I also assume your using inspection type 10 since it sounds like your getting the inspection lot created when the delivery is created. Therefore I'm assuming your issue is that the inspection plan isn't being assigned automatically. There are several problems that could be happenning. When you edit the inspection lot and assign the plan, is it picked up automatically then? If so then I'd recheck the material master and make sure that inspection type 10 has auto assignment on. If you feel that the assignment isn't happening at the right time, just know that the inspection lot can't be released until the delivery has been picked. Without quantiities and possibly batch numbers, (if batch managed), no sample sizes and such can be calculated. If the assignment isn't happening at all, even manually, then you probably have a problem with the plan usage vs. the configuration for the inspection type. Or possibly a key date issue. Or the material was never assigned to a plan to start with. I'm not sure I helped you much though. If nothing above triiggered something that works, Try to give us some more details and we'll see what we can do. Check the following settings: - Inspection types for the inspection
Ok. that helps a little!! Now we have to make sure an inspection lot REALLY wasn't generated!! Not that I don't believe you but.... Were you able to Post goods the delivery? If so, then you really didn't get an inspection lot generated. (you only mentioned that you picked the delivery). The reason I ask is that most of the common QM worklists will not display an inspection lot if it has been created but does not have the "REL" status on it. Which SD/QM lots will not have that status until properly picked. Therefore, to find these, you need to create special variants for your worklists. Or do a manual search for individual lots. Also, check the timing on when you created the delivery and when you created the conditon record. Make sure the you have tested it using a Sales Order and a Delivery that you know was created. AFTER the conditon record was created. DO NOT use a copy sales order. The sales order should be created from scratch without reference the first time after creating the new condition record. Also of course check all the other things mentiond by the other posters.
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