How To Configure New Division/Sales
Area/Sales Office
New Division/Sales Area/Sales Office 4.6x OVXA - Assign division
to sales organization
OVXM - Assign sales
office to sales area
VOR2 - Define Common Divisions OVAN - Combine divisions
allows you to share sales document type data between different divisions.
You define the sales document types in a central division and then use
it as a reference division.
OVKK - Define Pricing
Procedure Determination
SM30 Table/View :
SAP SD Questions:
When you're talking about a company, based on which thing should we take? Is it different company codes for different locations or is it based on the product group? Sales Organisation is the organisational unit which responsible for the selling of the product, movement of goods to the customet,customer right of recourse Sales Area is the combination of the Sales:
Company code of an organisation is the legal entity which
have separate Balansheet and profit & loss A/C required by law for
the legal purpose so whenever an organisational unit have different Balance
sheet and P/L A/c you can define a company
-- Sanjay yadav Organistational Structure broadly refers to the way a
company follows a set path of systems/hierarchies.
A Company's structure can be mapped in R/3 which would facilitate flow of information, flow of process and also facilitates work flow in a logical way. A Sales Organisations structure is based on the Elements of the Organisation which are as follows. 1. Comapny Code
A Company Code is generally created by finance guys and it broadly represents the highest point of structure. The relation between Sales Org and Company code is Unique.
One Sales Organisation can be assigned to one Comapny code. Think of one
practical situation where in u can Say that Essar is One Group (Client).
A Combination of Sales Org, Distribution Channel and Division is called a Sales Area and a Sales Area is assigned to the company thru the Sales Orgn. A plant is assigned to the company code. It is also assigned to the Sales Org and Dist Channe and this channel is called Delivering Plant. A Shipping POint is assigned to the CLIENT. *-- Srini
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