How To Be A Straight A Student

In School

1) Pursuing learning with passion, vigour and an open mind.
2) Always attend class, on time and ready to learn.
3) Do and finished your homework.
4) Set academic, extracurricular and social goals and aim to achieve them.
5) Be an active learner, a good listener and class participant.  Think outside the box.
6) Take ownership and be responsible for your own education.  Don't be afraid to take risks and learn from your each mistake.
7) Master and improve your ability to schedule, time management and self-organization.
8) Build a good relation with your teachers.

Working with teachers

As student, it is easy to complain that the teacher is no good.  Maybe you feel a particular teacher doesn't like you or a super-hard teacher who never give As.

Whoever teacher you dislike, your still have to try hard and do your best for the subject as you will be one taking the exam and not your teacher. 

Classroom Posture

Practise good posture in class.  The way you sit can affect your ability to pay attention.  If you often slouch on the chair, your eyes won't be focused on the speaker.  Each time you want to look at the teacher, you will have to lift up your entire head, and the effort needed can disrupt your note taking.

Learning from Classmates

Observe and learn which classmates are strong students.  You can learn a great deal from your peers and model yourself after them if they have already demonstrated success in a class, gained strong academic reputation or appear to be on good terms with the teacher.

Seek advice and ask questions of those ahead of you.  Older students feel proud to be asked their opinions by younger students.  Don't be shy.  Be aware that asking five students will yield five different answers, and your solution or answer is probably in pieces of those answers.

Healthy Body

Eat a well-balanced breakfast that includes protein and fresh fruit and get a good night's sleep (8 hours or more).  Both food and sleep make a big difference in your alertness, attention span and absorption of academic material.


One basic rule to be successful in any class is to do your homework.  The basic purpose of homework is to let you revise your work and then let your teacher know areas you need to work on so as to better understand the subject.

Assignments given to be done outside of class often comprise a percentage of your grade, do not underestimate the importance of always completing them and never view them as a waste of time.

Study Stress

When your homework piles up, presentations are fast approaching or exams are just around the corner, students have a tendency to stress out.  The problem about worrying is that it makes you less productive.  Therefore, make sure to practice some form of stress reduction daily to turn off your brain and give it a break from stress and academic thoughts.  Yoga, breathing exercises, jogging or just going for a walk in the fresh air can calm your mind and body when you feel tense.

Avoid Distraction

In class, try not to sit next to your best friend or anyone with whom you may be tempted to talk or socialize.  Turn off your smart phone, not just to vibrate but of off altogether.  Put all other tempting electronics away, deep in your school bag or locker.


Listening is an active process.  It means that you must do something to accomplish it.  It takes action and often, works to listen well.  For e.g. let's say you are sitting in a crowded cafeteria talking with a friend.  You hear the noise of the cafeteria, the chatter of students around you, the sounds of someone's iPad, and somewhere in all that, you even hear your friend.  But to understand what your friend is telling you, you need to do something, you need to listen to distinguish her words from all the background noise.

See Clearly

Have your eyes checked annually.  Reading books up close, gluing your eyes to a computer monitor for hours at a time, or squinting at a white board can strain and affect your eyesight.  Find out if reading glasses or resting your eyes periodically can help reduce eyestrain.  Keep rewetting or lubricating drops on hand just in case your eyes dry out.

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