Singapore Primary Three Math - Tens, Hundreds, Thousands
Learn about numbers. Name : ____________________ Date : _____________ Score : _____________ Fill in the blank for the followings: 1) 84 hundreds is the same as _______ thousands ________ tens. 2) 1200 tens is the same as _______ thousands. 3) 96 hundreds is the same as ________ tens. 4) 71 hundreds is the same as _______ thousands ________ hundreds. 5) 50 hundreds is the same as ________ hundreds. 6) 61 tens is the same as ________ tens. 7) Write 5 thousands, 4 tens and 43 ones in figures. 8) Write 3 hundreds and 9 ones in figures. 9) Write 7 hundreds, 3 hundres and 15 ones in figures. 10) Write 5 tens, 15 ones and 9 ones in figures. 11) Write 10 tens, 9 tens and 3 ones in figures. 12) Write 53 ones, 45 ones
and 8 ones in figures.
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