What is meant by passwd file?
This file maintains each and every user information with 7 fields. The 7 fields are Username:passwd:uid:gid:fullname:home:shell. What is Shell? Shell is a command line interpreter. Shell acts as an interface between user and the kernel. What is Kernel? Kernel is core part of unix o/s. It is a group of hundreds of system calls. What are different flavours of unix o/s? Any operating system designed based on unix kernel called
as flavour of unix. The following are some flavours of unix
What are the different security features in Unix? 1. Password protection.
What’s the command to find out today’s date? date What’s the command to find out users on the system? who How do you find out the current directory you’re in? pwd What is the command to see the location of command? Whereis <commandname> How do you find out your own username? Whoami (or) logname How to close the current user account? exit How to create empty file? Touch <filename> How do you remove a file? Rm <filename> How to join multifile files vertically? Cat file1 file2 file3 ……
How do you remove a directory and its subdirectories? rm –rf <directoryname> How to rename a file? Mv <filename> How to copy multiple files and directories into some other directory? cp -r source_directory destination_directory How to see hidden files? Ls –a How to see files and subdirectories files recursively? Ls –R How to see files in long list format page wise? Ls –l | more |
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