What is the difference between sc> and lom> ?
Answer: ILOM provides a user interface to manage the hardware - usually via a seperate controller - allows you to power on / off the machine remotely etc. can be accessed without the installed operating system running if necessary. System Console - usually means (for want of a better word) the primary terminal of a system (not necessarily locally connected hardware) sc> and lom> are two different prompt of the service processor (also known as system controller (sc) or light out manager (lom) ) Depending upon the hardware platform, you will have different service processor: e.g.
And also : XSCF = eXtended System Controller Facility for Sparc M series. Different names on different Sun boxes.
Notes: The difference between ILOM, ALOM, SC, XSCF is hardware dependent. They're all variations of system controllers and with each comes slightly more options than the last. |
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