How to start without X-windows

How can I start a linux system without X-windows? I mean I want the OS to prompt me to enter my user name and password at command line(Not the GUI).

edit your /etc/inittab

you will find a line that says:


change the 5 to a 3

Your trick worked. Thanks. But from there how do I start the xwindows again. I typed Xserver and then XFree 86. OS tried to start the Xwindows but the screen was blank only displaying the mouse cursor.

Edit /etc/inittab and change the line

reboot the system.

It is so simple to start linux without GUI after linux has booted just press alt+ctrl+F1, then you are loged to shell prompt.and proceed by entering login name and passwd.  You can open many shells at a time by following those keys with F2,F3,F4,F5,F6. etc

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