won't load
Hi... Today I found that when I start my Mandrake 9.0, I ended up at command line console instead of the X-Window GUI. I tried to type kde and press ENTER, but I got the following error message: /usr/bin/nspluginscan: error while loading
shared libraries:
ksplash: error while loading shared libraries: libXrandr.so.2: Can not open shared object file: No such file or directory. kdeinit: error while loading shared libraries: libXrandr.so.2: Can not open shared object file: No such file or directory. /usr/bin/startkde: line 204: xmessage: command not found. Warning: connect() failed: :No such file or directory. ksmserver: error while loading shared libraries: libXrandr.so.2: Can not open shared object file: No such file or directory. /usr/bin/startkde: line 212: xmessage: command not found. Warning: connect() failed: No such file or directory. Error: can't contact kdeinit!
What's wrong? I perhap deleted some files unintendedly. What should I do to recover kde? Thanks. I boot right into X so this is just a guess.
After login type at the prompt. #startx or if u want to boot again with GUI then login as "root" then type at the prompt # cd /etc
these command will open a file called "inittab" in "etc" directory use arrow key to locate a line which says "initdefault:3:..." place ur cursor at the location where "3" is wrriten then press "r" and then "5" after this press "Esc" then press ":wq" and "enter" key this should leave at the prompt then type # reboot I hope it should work.... The most likely problem is that you tried
to install a lot of KDE 3.1.1 stuff while you were installing FreeCurve,
KDE 3.0 and KDE 3.1 are not compatable.
Thanks, it was very likely that I did what you said and messed- up the KDE installation. Anyway, how could I login using GNOME? I have tried to use startx command only to have a similar error message. Basically it said that the x-server was shut down. Anyway, thanks to all who have responded to my post. Well, if the x-server is shut down and
you can't get it to start the best thing to do is try to do an upgrade
from the #1 install CD.. It takes a bit of time but has worked for me and
a number of others.. Without the x-server
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