Hat 8 - Window Manager
I am a newbie to linux, and have just been messing with it off and on for about a month. I installed the Mandrake version before, and used the KDE desktop. With Red Hat 8, it seems to want to default to GNOME. Is there a way to change this to KDE?
You can change the desktop to kde if you hav installed the one with RH 8.0. There is KDE in RH 8.0. But you have to install it. If you have it, go to the desktop and then find the menu desktop switching tool and change it from gnome to KDE. If switch to KDE option is not there, that means the KDE is not installed. You can install kde by going to the install packages in the menu and just clicking the ad components and then putting the Cd according to the message. You can do switching the desktop in shell also by typing the command switchdesk kde. This will switch the desktop to Gnome.
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