Startup scripts in HP-UX 10
Startup scripts in /sbin/init.d obtain configuration data
from variables in the scripts located in /etc/rc.config.d
Links in the relevant startup scripts in /sbin need to
be created pointing to /sbin/init.d
Where does HP-UX keep auto startup scripts? The actual scripts are held in /sbin/init.d but they are run from links in the level directories.. /sbin/rc2.d, /sbin/rc3.d etc. Some scripts look for a flag in a config file in /etc/rc.config.d directory to determine if they should run or not. If Postgres doesn't have a file there then you should remove or rename the links in the level directories. To find them run this - find /sbin -name "[SK]*postgres" and remove or rename the scripts found. If you are renaming them then prefixing them with
off (off.S70postgres) will stop them from running. Leave the script
located in /sbin/init.d. You might want to run it another time.
How to add the startup script in HP-UX 11.11 in /sbin/init.d/mystartupscript #!/sbin/sh #
case $1 in
cd /usr/flex/112.8
./lmstat -c /usr/flex/112.8/license.dat
exit $rval Then chmod +500 /sbin/init.d/mystartupscript ln -s /sbin/init.d/mystartupscript/ /sbin/rc2.d/S995mystartupscript Just one thing, I supposed that lmstat is self demonizing, else you need to add a & on lmstat line. |
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