UNIX is the system language used by IT companies and corporates alike. UNIX administration allows interaction between operating systems and associated software. Those who anticipate a career in this field, need to have a specialized qualification. Unix Administrator Career Path Requirement Good trouble shooting skills, reasoning, dedication and good logic are required in order to become a UNIX administrator. This position involves a lot of responsibility and is a position sought after by many people in the IT industry. Several training courses facilitate specialized training in this field. Potential candidates should have strong mathematical abilities. Logic and proper reasoning are essential components for a person in this position. It is unnecessary to have degrees in engineering or to have a B. A. In order to be competent in UNIX administration. Accredited training from a suitable learning institution is all that is required. The training available for this position offered at learning institutions will improve your practical knowledge as well as theory. You will be able to network with other people involved in UNIX at these courses. Making contacts for future job prospects can also be done at these courses. The Internet is a great resource to keep you updated with developments in the area of UNIX. Successful completion of your training allows you to take the certification exam or apply for a job although you do not have a certificate. The training often carries more weight than a certificate does. Career Knowledge The position of UNIX administrator is key in any company. Continual updating of skills and knowledge is critical for the person holding this position. This is often paid for by your employer and makes for a good incentive to expand your knowledge on the topic. Remuneration for these positions is very high in this industry. Long hours and working overtime is a distinct possibility for all candidates. Most larger companies cannot afford for their technology to be offline at any point in time. Mental and physical toughness are attributes that will serve you well in this job. The system administrator has a variety of tasks to fulfill. A good general computing knowledge is essential in order to succeed in the field of UNIX. Responsibilities This position comprises of six different areas of responsibility.
Company Role Most large companies have specified and defined roles for employees. In smaller companies, the administrator may need to be a jack-of-all-trades. This means that position of UNIX administration will not suit a person who likes a defined role in the work place. |
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