How can I list out all the users in the system?
Answer To list all users on a Unix system, even the ones who are not logged in, look at the /etc/password file. $ cat /etc/passwd Use the ‘cut’ command to only see one field from the password
For example, to just see the Unix user names, use the command “$ cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1.” $ cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 Or to only see the GECOS field (i.e. the account holder’s real name), try this: $ cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f5 Note that users will also see Unix system accounts such
as “root,” “bin,” and “daemon” in the /etc/passwd file. These system accounts
are not Unix users.
List ALL users in a Unix Group (Primary and Secondary) Is there a command or better combination of cmds that will give me the list of Unix users in a particular Unix group? Answer If you have Python, an alternative Code: #!/usr/bin/env python d={} for line in open("/etc/group"): line=line.strip().split(":") users=line[3] if users: for u in users.split(","): d.setdefault(u,[]) d[u].append(line[0]) for i,j in d.iteritems(): print "%s is in groups: %s" %(i,j) output
Code: # ./test.py daemon is in groups: ['bin'] user5 is in groups: ['dialout', 'video'] user2 is in groups: ['dialout', 'video'] user3 is in groups: ['dialout', 'video'] user1 is in groups: ['dialout', 'video'] nobody is in groups: ['nogroup'] Or Code: groupName="$1" # Save some processing, no need to call getent so much. # groupEntry=$(getent group | grep "^${groupName}:") if [ ! "$groupEntry" ]; then echo "Group $groupName does not exist." >&2 exit 1 fi # Note it IS possible that the same group is found in a local /etc/group # as well as another source, you'll get two results. We'll assume the # first one wins. # groupId=$(echo "$groupEntry" | cut -d: -f3 | head -1) # A username could be in a primary group and have that SAME primary # group redundantly set as a secondary group. # passwdUser=$(getent passwd | cut -d: -f1,4 | grep ":${groupdId}$" | cut -d: -f1) echo "${groupEntry},${passwdUser}" | cut -d: -f4 | tr ',' '\012' | sed '/^$/d' | sort -u |
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