Wild Card and Print a file Unix Commands

Wild Cards:  ?    *

The use of “wild card characters” is a useful way to save keystrokes while working within UNIX. The ? will substitute for any single character in the name of a file or directory while the * will match any character or any number of characters, or none. Wild cards are especially useful with the various file
commands such as ls,  mv,  and  rm.

%  ls  ba?                   %  ls  b*

bad                            bad

bat                             bat

%                               barney


Print a file:  enscript

To print an output file you will need to use the UNIX print command enscript. To print output in the Data Center, type the following:

%  enscript  –2rG  –Pjot  filename

where –2rG will produce double-sided output of two pages per side, “jot” is the name of the Data Center printer, and filename is the output file (i.e., more1.lis) you would like printed. As with other UNIX commands, these are case sensitive.

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