ABAP Function Example - HR_IN_CHG_INR_WRDS
I was asked to create a custom invoice in sap scripts,which is completed now, the value was supposed to be converted in words, so I used the FM * CALL FUNCTION 'HR_IN_CHG_INR_WRDS'. By: Walia This function module is the right one. I have also made a program
for the credit note. I have used this function module.
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZFI_CREDIT_NOTE_CREATION *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ZFI_CREDIT_NOTE_CREATION NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING LINE-SIZE 120 line-count 72 message-id zvarun. tables : vbrk,vbrp,kna1,konv,spell ,bsak. data : camt like bsak-dmbtr. data : begin of itab occurs 0, vbeln like vbrk-vbeln, fkdat like vbrk-fkdat, xblnr like vbrk-xblnr, knumv like vbrk-knumv, kunrg like vbrk-kunrg, matnr like vbrp-matnr, arktx like vbrp-arktx, fkimg like vbrp-fkimg, posnr like vbrp-posnr, end of itab. data : begin of itab1 occurs 0, knumv like konv-knumv, kposn like konv-kposn, kschl like konv-kschl, kawrt like konv-kawrt, kwert like konv-kwert, KBETR LIKE KONV-KBETR, end of itab1. data : qty like vbrp-fkimg. *data : tot type p decimals 2. *data : tot1 type p decimals 2. *data : tot2 type p decimals 2. *data : tot3 type p decimals 2. *data : tot like konv-kawrt. data : sub_tot like konv-kawrt. DATA : TOT2 LIKE KONV-KAWRT. *DATA : TOT3 LIKE KONV-KAWRT. *data : tot_wsp(15) type p. data : tot_wsp(15) type p decimals 2. data : unit_wsp like konv-kawrt. data : tot_cst like konv-kWERT. data : tot_VAT like konv-kWERT. *data : unit_cst like konv-kawrt. data : h_vbeln like vbrk-vbeln. DATA : UNIT_MRP LIKE KONV-KBETR. data line_no(3) type n. data : credit_amt like konv-kwert. DATA : cnt type i. data amt_word like spell-word. data : v_i_amount TYPE PC207-BETRG. data : i_value like konv-kwert. data : amt_in_words(255) TYPE c, tmp_amt type TDSYMVALUE. data : spell_fig(80). DATA : VAT_AMT LIKE KONV-KWERT. DATA : AMT LIKE KONV-KWERT. selection-screen : begin of block blk1 with frame title text-001. select-options : vbeln for vbrk-vbeln obligatory. selection-screen : end of block blk1. at selection-screen. select * from vbrk where vbeln in vbeln. endselect. if sy-subrc ne 0. message e999 with 'Docoment No does not exist....check'. endif. start-of-selection. refresh : itab. clear : itab. select a~vbeln a~fkdat a~xblnr a~kunrg a~knumv b~matnr b~arktx b~fkimg b~posnr into corresponding fields of table itab from vbrk as a inner join vbrp as b on a~vbeln = b~vbeln where a~vbeln in vbeln. sort itab by vbeln xblnr knumv matnr. loop at itab. * LOOP AT ITAB. unit_wsp = 0. tot_wsp = 0. tot_cst = 0. UNIT_MRP = 0. refresh : itab1. clear : itab1. select knumv kposn kschl kawrt kwert KBETR from konv into table itab1 where knumv = itab-knumv and kposn = itab-posnr and kschl in ('ZVAT','ZCST','ZWSP','ZMRP'). sort itab1 by knumv. loop at itab1. CASE ITAB1-KSCHL. WHEN 'ZWSP'. unit_wsp = itab1-kawrt / itab-fkimg. tot_wsp = itab1-kawrt. WHEN 'ZMRP'. UNIT_MRP = ITAB1-KBETR. WHEN 'ZCST'. tot_cst = itab1-kwert. WHEN 'ZVAT'. TOT_VAT = ITAB1-KWERT. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. qty = qty + itab-fkimg. tot2 = tot2 + tot_wsp . sub_tot = tot2 + tot_cst + tot_vat. * refresh : itab1. * clear : itab1. * select knumv kposn kschl kawrt kwert KBETR from konv into table itab1 * where knumv = itab-knumv and * kposn = itab-posnr and * kschl in ('ZVAT','ZCST','ZWSP','ZMRP'). * sort itab1 by knumv. * * loop at itab1. * CASE ITAB1-KSCHL. *when 'ZWSP' or 'ZVAT' OR 'ZCST'. * credit_amt = credit_amt + ITAB1-KWERT. ** when 'ZVAT'. ** credit_amt = credit_amt + ITAB1-KWERT. * * ENDCASE. endloop. * ENDLOOP. line_no = 0. new-page. skip 1. write : /5(115) 'TEST RETAIL LIMITED ' centered. write : /5(115) 'Test Unit ' centered. write : /5(115) 'PHASE IV ' centered. write : /5(115) 'E-MAIL : info@yourdomain.in' centered. SKIP 1. write : 2(118) SY-Uline. write : /5(115) 'CREDIT NOTE' centered. * line_no = 10. data : fig1(70), fig2(20), fig3(20). tmp_amt = sub_tot. v_i_amount = tmp_amt. call function 'HR_IN_CHG_INR_WRDS' exporting amt_in_num = v_i_amount IMPORTING AMT_IN_WORDS = amt_in_words EXCEPTIONS DATA_TYPE_MISMATCH = 1 OTHERS = 2. if sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. endif. move space to spell_fig. split amt_in_words at 'Rupees' into fig1 fig2 . concatenate fig1 'AND' fig2 'Only*' into spell_fig separated by space. *camt = credit_amt. * call function 'ZSPELL_AMOUNT' * exporting * amount = camt * currency = 'INR' * filler = ' ' * language = sy-langu * importing * in_words = spell * exceptions * not_found = 1 * too_large = 2 * others = 3. * * concatenate : spell-word 'AND' spell-decword 'PAISE' * into spell-word separated by ' '. * write spell-word to amt_word. select single * from kna1 where kunnr = itab-kunrg. write :/2(10) kna1-kunnr, 20(35) kna1-name1, 90(15) 'CREDIT NOTE NO.', 106(10) itab-vbeln. write :/19(35) kna1-stras, 90(15) 'DATE', 106(10) ITAB-FKDAT. write :/20(20) kna1-ort01, (10) kna1-pstlz. write : /20(3) 'PH:', 24(16) KNA1-TELF1, 41(4) 'FAX:', 46(30) KNA1-TELFX. skip 2. write : /1 'Dear Sir,'. skip 1. write : /20(45) 'We advise having Credited your account with a ', (11) 'sum of Rs. ', (15) sub_tot. write : /1(1) '(', 2(78) spell_fig, 80(1) ')'. write : /1 ' towards sale return as per particulars given below : '. skip 3. write : 2(118) sy-uline. write : /3(10) 'ARTICLE NO', 22(20) 'ARTICLE DESCRIPTION', 53(10) 'QUANTITY', 69(3) 'MRP', 86(3) 'WSP', 100(9) 'TOTAL WSP'. WRITE : /67(8) 'per UNIT', 84(8) 'per UNIT', 101(6) 'in Rs.'. WRITE : /2(118) SY-ULINE. skip. * line_no = line_no + 4. LOOP AT ITAB. unit_wsp = 0. tot_wsp = 0. tot_cst = 0. UNIT_MRP = 0. refresh : itab1. clear : itab1. select knumv kposn kschl kawrt kwert KBETR from konv into table itab1 where knumv = itab-knumv and kposn = itab-posnr and kschl in ('ZVAT','ZCST','ZWSP','ZMRP'). sort itab1 by knumv. loop at itab1. CASE ITAB1-KSCHL. WHEN 'ZWSP'. unit_wsp = itab1-kawrt / itab-fkimg. tot_wsp = itab1-kawrt. WHEN 'ZMRP'. UNIT_MRP = ITAB1-KBETR. WHEN 'ZCST'. tot_cst = itab1-kwert. WHEN 'ZVAT'. TOT_VAT = ITAB1-KWERT. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. write : /2(18) itab-matnr, (25) itab-arktx, (13) itab-fkimg, 65(11) UNIT_MRP, (15) unit_wsp, (15) tot_wsp. *** line_no = line_no + 1. *** if line_no > 68. *** write :/60(10) '___CONT___'. *** skip 3. * line_no = 1. *** endif. * cnt = cnt + 1. endloop. * qty = qty + itab-fkimg. * tot2 = tot2 + tot_wsp . * sub_tot = tot2 + tot_cst + tot_vat. * IF CNT > 1. skip 2. WRITE : /47(13) QTY. write : /2(140) sy-uline. write : /50 'Total WSP :', 93(15) tot2. WRITE :/50 'Sale Return Amount :', 93(15) tot2. write :/50 'VAT :', 93(15) tot_vat. WRITE :/50 'C.S.T :', 93(15) tot_cst. WRITE :/50 'Net Amount :', 93(15) sub_tot. * write :/50 'Rounding off :'. * write :/50 'Net Amount :'. *ENDIF. SKIP 3. CLEAR : TOT2,TOT_VAT,TOT_CST,SUB_TOT. clear credit_amt. More Abapers Questions: ABAP Books ListABAP/4 Certification, Programming and Object Oriented Programming Books Smart Forms
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