ABAP Example | Sample ABAP Code

ABAP/4 stands for Advanced Business Application Programming is the programming language used for the thousand of tiny embedded programs called transactions that make up the SAP application. 

ABAP programs are objects of the R/3 Repository. Like all other Repository objects, you maintain them using an ABAP Workbench tool - in this case, the ABAP Editor (tcode SE38). 

Time to self-test your knowledge by answering this question in the ABAP Forum:
Payment Against Invoice in Smartforms

ABAP Menu:
Abap/4 Query
Functions / SAP Script / ALV
Database Table

Table of Contents

HANA ABAP/4  ABAP Dictionary Background Jobs ABAP Message and User exits Unix Date Batch Input Program Password/Lock/Unlock Dialog Program Program Performance ABAP Questions ABAP Tables Download
Differences SAP SD Samples Program
A Code for Deletion of Open Sales Orders

ABAP Projects Management

SAP HR Samples Program
Payroll Analysis For a Given Personnel Number

Release Your Transports

Interactive Reports


Selectin Screen General ABAP Coding samples Codes Tables and Internal Tables Transaction Codes


ABAP Issues/Problems
ABAP Discussion Forum

Return to :-
SAP ABAP/4 Programming, Basis Administration, Configuration Hints and Tips

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