An ALV program that calls a
ME21N via BDC
Tips by: Sam Hearn Here is an ALV program that calls a ME21N via BDC. There is a LOT of code here you don't need (ex: the ability to run the ALV in background for huge amounts of data yet keep the ALV sort & mod abilities, the ability for different users to set their own sort combinations etc), but if you go to the CALL_CRYSTAL form, you will see I do another perform, called BUILD_BDC. This will show you how to use the CALL TRANSACTION, with a message table. I have a loop inside the message table after I return from ME21N to display an info message with the doc number. Using this loop, you can find your delivery numbers for your second BDC. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Author : Sam Hearn * * Date : 2004-08-31 * * * * Description : This program was copied from the ZMRP21 * * * *--------------------------------------------------[START OF REPORT]---* report zjmrp message-id zaberd no standard page heading line-count 65(1) line-size 162. *-----------------------------------------------------------[TABLES]---* tables: mara, " General Material Data marc, " sscrfields. " Fields on selection screens type-pools: slis. *----------------------------------------------[INTERNAL WORK AREAS]---* *------------------------ for MD_ABBL_REPORTING -----------------------* data: i_crpes like crpes. data begin of i_mdps occurs 100. include structure mdps. data end of i_mdps. *--------------------------- SORTING TABLES ---------------------------* data begin of i_sortord occurs 100. include structure zsort_list. data end of i_sortord. data: fname(5). data: f01(10),f02(10),f03(10),f04(10),f05(10),f06(10),f07(10),f08(10), f09(10),f10(10),f11(10),f12(10),f13(10),f14(10),f15(10),f16(10), f17(10),f18(10),f19(10),f20(10). field-symbols <fs1>. *-----------------------FILENAME DEFINITION----------------------------* data: sap1filp(132) value '/usr/sap/interfaces/reports/zmrp21_'. data: sap1fil(132), getfil(132). ranges s_wrkst for mara-wrkst. ranges s_groes for mara-groes. data: begin of disp_tab occurs 0, "Internal table for ALV data ckbox(1) type c, " Selection Box (input) matkl like mara-matkl, " Material Group matnr like mara-matnr, " Material Number maktx like makt-maktx, " Description bismt like mara-bismt, " Old material wrkst like mara-wrkst, " Basic material groes like mara-groes, " Size/dimension werks like marc-werks, " Plant dispo like marc-dispo, " MRP controller bstmi like marc-bstmi, " Min Run Length lbkum like mbew-lbkum, " On Hand eisbe like marc-eisbe, " Safety stock idprq like mdps-mng01, " Independant Req deprq like mdps-mng01, " Dependant Req reqrq like mdps-mng01, " Requisitions storq like mdps-mng01, " STO's convert like mdps-mng01, " Qty to convert (input) deldat like sy-datum, " Delivery date (input) end of disp_tab. data: begin of i_fldw, "Storage area for DISP_TAB data ckbox(1) type c, " Selection Box (input) matkl like mara-matkl, " Material Group matnr like mara-matnr, " Material Number maktx like makt-maktx, " Description bismt like mara-bismt, " Old material wrkst like mara-wrkst, " Basic material groes like mara-groes, " Size/dimension werks like marc-werks, " Plant dispo like marc-dispo, " MRP controller bstmi like marc-bstmi, " Min Run Length lbkum like mbew-lbkum, " On Hand eisbe like marc-eisbe, " Safety stock idprq like mdps-mng01, " Independant Req deprq like mdps-mng01, " Dependant Req reqrq like mdps-mng01, " Requisitions storq like mdps-mng01, " STO's convert like mdps-mng01, " Qty to convert deldat like sy-datum, " Delivery date (input) end of i_fldw. * data: begin of i_fcc occurs 100, chkbox(1), " Checkbox matkl(10), " Material Group matnr(18), " Material Number maktx(40), " Description bismt(18), " Old material wrkst(48), " Basic material groes(32), " Size/dimension werks(04), " Plant dispo(03), " MRP controller bstmi(13), " Min Run Length lbkum(13), " On Hand eisbe(13), " Safety stock idprq(25), " Independant Req deprq(25), " Dependant Req reqrq(25), " Requisitions storq(25), " STO's convert(25), " Qty to convert deldat(10), " Delivery date end of i_fcc. data begin of bdcdata occurs 20. include structure bdcdata. data end of bdcdata. data begin of messtab occurs 10. include structure bdcmsgcoll. data end of messtab. data: i_fieldcat_alv type slis_t_fieldcat_alv, w_fieldcat_alv like line of i_fieldcat_alv, wa_repid type sy-repid, w_variant type disvariant, wx_variant type disvariant, w_callback_ucomm type slis_formname, w_variant_save(1) type c, w_exit(1) type c, w_layout type slis_layout_alv, lst_is_print type slis_print_alv, lin type i. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ selection-screen: begin of block main with frame title text-008. select-options: w_wrkst for mara-wrkst no intervals no-extension, w_groes for mara-groes no intervals no-extension, w_matnr for mara-matnr no intervals no-extension, w_matkl for mara-matkl no intervals no-extension, w_dispo for marc-dispo, w_date for sy-datum no intervals no-extension. parameter: p_modes type c default 'N' no-display. parameter: w_ast as checkbox default 'X'. selection-screen: begin of block immed with frame title text-001. selection-screen: begin of line. selection-screen: comment 1(29) text-002. "Output directly to printer? parameters: pa_print as checkbox. selection-screen: end of line. selection-screen: end of block immed. selection-screen: begin of block variant with frame title text-003. parameters: p_vari type slis_vari. selection-screen: end of block variant. selection-screen begin of block sub2 with frame title text-007. parameter: w_new radiobutton group rad1. parameter: w_fil radiobutton group rad1. parameter: w_save as checkbox. parameter: sapfil(132) type c default '001.dat' lower case obligatory. selection-screen end of block sub2. selection-screen function key 1. selection-screen function key 2. selection-screen: end of block main. *$*$-------------------------------------------------------------------* *$*$ Initialization *$*$-------------------------------------------------------------------* initialization. perform init_variant. perform variant_default using p_vari. perform added_inits. *$*$-------------------------------------------------------------------* *$*$ At Selection Screen *$*$-------------------------------------------------------------------* at selection-screen. perform variant_fill. perform added_functions. *$*$-------------------------------------------------------------------* *$*$ At Selection Screen Value Request *$*$-------------------------------------------------------------------* at selection-screen on value-request for p_vari. perform variant_f4 using p_vari. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ start-of-selection. perform get_data. perform fieldcat_build. perform layout_build. perform save_list_order. perform call_crystal. end-of-selection. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form init_variant *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form init_variant. clear: w_variant. wa_repid = sy-repid. w_variant-report = wa_repid. w_variant-username = sy-uname. w_variant_save = 'A'. "All types endform. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form variant_default *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form variant_default using p_variant. wx_variant = w_variant. if not p_variant is initial. wx_variant-variant = p_variant. endif. call function 'LVC_VARIANT_DEFAULT_GET' exporting i_save = w_variant_save changing cs_variant = wx_variant exceptions wrong_input = 1 not_found = 2 program_error = 3 others = 4. case sy-subrc. when 0. p_variant = wx_variant-variant. when 2. clear: p_variant. endcase. endform. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form variant_fill *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form variant_fill. clear: w_variant. if p_vari is initial. w_variant-variant = 'STANDARD'. w_variant-report = wa_repid. else. w_variant-variant = p_vari. w_variant-report = wa_repid. call function 'LVC_VARIANT_EXISTENCE_CHECK' exporting i_save = w_variant_save changing cs_variant = w_variant exceptions others = 01. if sy-subrc ne 0. message i005. endif. endif. endform. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form variant_f4 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form variant_f4 using p_variant. call function 'LVC_VARIANT_F4' exporting is_variant = w_variant i_save = w_variant_save importing e_exit = w_exit es_variant = wx_variant exceptions not_found = 1 program_error = 2 others = 3. if sy-subrc <> 0. message i006. endif. if w_exit is initial. w_variant-variant = wx_variant-variant. p_variant = wx_variant-variant. endif. endform. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form get_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form get_data. concatenate sap1filp sapfil into sap1fil. if w_new = 'X'. clear disp_tab. select matkl matnr bismt wrkst groes into (disp_tab-matkl, disp_tab-matnr, disp_tab-bismt, disp_tab-wrkst, disp_tab-groes) from mara where matnr in w_matnr and matkl in w_matkl and groes in s_groes and wrkst in s_wrkst and mstae = ''. i_fldw = disp_tab. select matnr werks dispo eisbe into (disp_tab-matnr, disp_tab-werks, disp_tab-dispo, disp_tab-eisbe) from marc where matnr = disp_tab-matnr and werks eq '7000' and dispo in w_dispo. select single lbkum into disp_tab-lbkum from mbew where matnr = disp_tab-matnr and bwkey = disp_tab-werks. refresh i_mdps. call function 'MD_ABBL_REPORTING' exporting ematnr = disp_tab-matnr ewerks = disp_tab-werks ecrpes = i_crpes tables mdpsx = i_mdps exceptions error_matmaster = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc = 0. if w_date[] is initial. w_date-low = '99991231'. w_date-sign = 'I'. w_date-option = 'EQ'. append w_date. endif. loop at i_mdps. case i_mdps-delkz. when 'U1'. if i_mdps-dat00 le w_date-low. disp_tab-deprq = disp_tab-deprq + i_mdps-mng01. endif. when 'VC'. if i_mdps-dat00 le w_date-low. disp_tab-idprq = disp_tab-idprq + i_mdps-mng01. endif. when 'BA'. disp_tab-reqrq = disp_tab-reqrq + i_mdps-mng01. when 'BE'. disp_tab-storq = disp_tab-storq + i_mdps-mng01. endcase. endloop. endif. select single bstmi into disp_tab-bstmi from marc where matnr = disp_tab-matnr and werks = disp_tab-werks. select single maktx into disp_tab-maktx from makt where matnr = disp_tab-matnr and spras = 'E'. if disp_tab-lbkum > 0 or disp_tab-idprq > 0 or disp_tab-deprq > 0 or disp_tab-reqrq > 0 or disp_tab-storq > 0. append disp_tab. endif. disp_tab = i_fldw. endselect. endselect. else. * Open the datainfil. open dataset sap1fil in text mode. if sy-subrc <> 0. write:/ 'Upload File Not Found'. exit. endif. refresh i_fcc. * Loop At data set. do. read dataset sap1fil into i_fcc. if sy-subrc <> 0. exit. endif. move-corresponding i_fcc to disp_tab. append disp_tab. enddo. * Close Dataset. close dataset sap1fil. endif. endform. " get_data *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form fieldcat_build *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build up the headers for the fields in the Grid Display, and set * the key-fields for freeze while scrolling. ************************************************************************ form fieldcat_build. call function 'REUSE_ALV_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' exporting i_program_name = wa_repid i_internal_tabname = 'DISP_TAB' i_inclname = wa_repid changing ct_fieldcat = i_fieldcat_alv. loop at i_fieldcat_alv into w_fieldcat_alv. case w_fieldcat_alv-fieldname. when 'CKBOX'. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_s = text-011. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_m = text-011. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_l = text-011. w_fieldcat_alv-reptext_ddic = text-011. w_fieldcat_alv-key = 'X'. w_fieldcat_alv-edit = 'X'. w_fieldcat_alv-checkbox = 'X'. when 'MATKL'. w_fieldcat_alv-key = 'X'. when 'MATNR'. w_fieldcat_alv-key = 'X'. w_fieldcat_alv-hotspot = 'X'. when 'WERKS'. w_fieldcat_alv-key = ''. when 'IDPRQ'. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_s = text-009. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_m = text-009. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_l = text-009. w_fieldcat_alv-reptext_ddic = text-009. w_fieldcat_alv-key = ''. when 'DEPRQ'. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_s = text-004. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_m = text-004. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_l = text-004. w_fieldcat_alv-reptext_ddic = text-004. w_fieldcat_alv-key = ''. when 'REQRQ'. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_s = text-005. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_m = text-005. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_l = text-005. w_fieldcat_alv-reptext_ddic = text-005. w_fieldcat_alv-key = ''. when 'STORQ'. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_s = text-006. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_m = text-006. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_l = text-006. w_fieldcat_alv-reptext_ddic = text-006. w_fieldcat_alv-key = ''. when 'CONVERT'. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_s = text-010. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_m = text-010. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_l = text-010. w_fieldcat_alv-reptext_ddic = text-010. w_fieldcat_alv-key = ''. w_fieldcat_alv-edit = 'X'. when 'DELDAT'. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_s = text-012. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_m = text-012. w_fieldcat_alv-seltext_l = text-012. w_fieldcat_alv-reptext_ddic = text-012. w_fieldcat_alv-key = ''. w_fieldcat_alv-edit = 'X'. when others. endcase. modify i_fieldcat_alv from w_fieldcat_alv. endloop. endform. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form layout_build *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* form layout_build. w_layout-zebra = 'X'. w_layout-no_vline = ''. w_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. w_layout-detail_popup = 'X'. w_layout-detail_initial_lines = 'X'. endform. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form call_crystal *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * text *---------------------------------------------------------------------- form call_crystal. w_callback_ucomm = 'CALLBACK_UCOMM'. * If Batch write to list for spool output availability if sy-batch = 'X' or pa_print = 'X'. if pa_print = 'X'. lst_is_print-print = 'X1'. endif. call function 'REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY' exporting i_callback_program = wa_repid i_default = 'X' i_save = 'A' is_variant = w_variant is_layout = w_layout i_callback_user_command = w_callback_ucomm it_fieldcat = i_fieldcat_alv is_print = lst_is_print tables t_outtab = disp_tab. if sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. endif. else. call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' exporting i_background_id = 'SIWB_WALLPAPER' i_callback_program = wa_repid i_default = 'X' i_save = 'A' is_variant = w_variant is_layout = w_layout i_callback_user_command = w_callback_ucomm it_fieldcat = i_fieldcat_alv tables t_outtab = disp_tab. if sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. else. loop at disp_tab where ckbox = ' '. delete disp_tab. endloop. describe table disp_tab lines lin. if lin ne 0. perform build_bdc. endif. endif. endif. endform. " call_crystal *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form added_functions *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form added_functions. refresh:s_wrkst, s_groes. loop at w_wrkst. if w_ast = 'X'. concatenate w_wrkst-low '*' into w_wrkst-low. w_wrkst-option = 'CP'. endif. move-corresponding w_wrkst to s_wrkst. translate s_wrkst-low to upper case. append s_wrkst. translate s_wrkst-low to lower case. append s_wrkst. endloop. loop at w_groes. if w_ast = 'X'. concatenate '*' w_groes-low '*' into w_groes-low. w_groes-option = 'CP'. endif. move-corresponding w_groes to s_groes. translate s_groes-low to upper case. append s_groes. translate s_groes-low to lower case. append s_groes. endloop. * if sscrfields-ucomm = 'FC01'. call function 'Z_POPUP_TO_LIST_SORT_ORDER' exporting t_title = 'Setup Sorting Order' w_popup = 'X' tables sortlist = i_sortord. endif. if sscrfields-ucomm = 'FC02'. call function 'Z_POPUP_TO_LIST_FILES' exporting t_title = 'Basic Material Search Files' dir_name = '/usr/sap/interfaces/reports' file_mask = 'zmrp21_*' importing selfilename = getfil. if not getfil is initial. sapfil = getfil. endif. endif. endform. " added_functions *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form added_inits *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form added_inits. move 'Setup Sorting Order ' to sscrfields-functxt_01. move 'Display Files on Server' to sscrfields-functxt_02. refresh i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'matkl'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Material Group'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'matnr'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Material Number'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'maktx'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Material Description'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'bismt'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Old material'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'wrkst'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Basic material'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'groes'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Size/dimension'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'werks'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Plant'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'dispo'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'MRP controller'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'bstmi'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Min lot size'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'lbkum'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'On Hand'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'eisbe'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Safety stock'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'idprq'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Independant Req'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'deprq'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Dependant Req'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'reqrq'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'Requisitions'. append i_sortord. i_sortord-fieldname = 'storq'. i_sortord-ddtext = 'STO''s'. append i_sortord. endform. " added_inits *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form save_list_order *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 text * <-- p2 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form save_list_order. call function 'Z_POPUP_TO_LIST_SORT_ORDER' exporting t_title = 'Setup Sorting Order' w_popup = ' ' tables sortlist = i_sortord. loop at i_sortord. write sy-tabix to fname right-justified. translate fname using ' 0'. concatenate 'f' fname+2(2) into fname. assign (fname) to <fs1>. <fs1> = i_sortord-fieldname. translate <fs1> to upper case. endloop. sort disp_tab ascending by (f01) (f02) (f03) (f04) (f05) (f06) (f07) (f08) (f09) (f10) (f11) (f12) (f13) (f14) (f15) (f16) (f17) (f18) (f19) (f20). endform. " save_list_order *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM user_command * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* form callback_ucomm using r_ucomm like sy-ucomm rs_selfield type slis_selfield. case r_ucomm. when '&IC1'. if rs_selfield-sel_tab_field = 'DISP_TAB-MATNR'. set parameter id 'MAT' field rs_selfield-value. set parameter id 'WRK' field '7000'. set parameter id 'BERID' field ' '. call transaction 'MD04'. endif. when others. endcase. endform. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form build_bdc *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form build_bdc. data: lgpro like marc-lgpro, first(1) type c, wa_date like sy-datum. * PREPARE BDC refresh bdcdata. clear bdcdata. perform bdchead using 'SAPLMEGUI' '0014'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=MEDOCTYPE'. perform bdcitem using 'MEPO_TOPLINE-BSART' 'UB'. perform bdcitem using 'MEPO_TOPLINE-BEDAT' sy-datum. * perform bdchead using 'SAPLMEGUI' '0014'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=MEV4000BUTTON'. perform bdcitem using 'MEPO_TOPLINE-SUPERFIELD' '5200'. * perform bdchead using 'SAPLMEGUI' '0014'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=TABHDT9'. * perform bdchead using 'SAPLMEGUI' '0014'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=MEV4001BUTTON'. perform bdcitem using 'MEPO1222-EKORG' '7000'. perform bdcitem using 'MEPO1222-EKGRP' 'J10'. perform bdcitem using 'MEPO1222-BUKRS' 'ABFI'. * first = 'Y'. loop at disp_tab. clear lgpro. if not wa_date is initial and disp_tab-deldat is initial. disp_tab-deldat = wa_date. endif. select single lgpro into lgpro from marc where matnr = disp_tab-matnr and werks = '7000'. * perform bdchead using 'SAPLMEGUI' '0014'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'. perform bdcitem using 'MEPO1211-EMATN(01)' disp_tab-matnr. perform bdcitem using 'MEPO1211-MENGE(01)' disp_tab-convert. perform bdcitem using 'MEPO1211-EEIND(01)' disp_tab-deldat. perform bdcitem using 'MEPO1211-NAME1(01)' '7000'. perform bdcitem using 'MEPO1211-LGOBE(01)' lgpro. * if first = 'Y'. first = 'N'. wa_date = disp_tab-deldat. perform bdchead using 'SAPLMEGUI' '0014'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=MEPO1211EDITFILTER'. * perform bdchead using 'SAPLSKBH' '1500'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=DTC_WLSE'. * perform bdchead using 'SAPLSKBH' '1500'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=DTC_CONT'. * perform bdchead using 'SAPLSSEL' '1104'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=%00411050000197408'. * perform bdchead using 'SAPLALDB' '3000'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=NOINT'. * perform bdchead using 'SAPLALDB' '3000'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=ACPT'. perform bdcitem using 'RSCSEL-ILOW_E(01)' '1'. perform bdcitem using 'RSCSEL-IHIGH_E(01)' '99999'. * perform bdchead using 'SAPLSSEL' '1104'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=CRET'. endif. * endloop. * perform bdchead using 'SAPLMEGUI' '0014'. perform bdcitem using 'BDC_OKCODE' '=MESAVE'. * call transaction 'ME21N' using bdcdata mode p_modes update 'S' messages into messtab. loop at messtab. if messtab-msgv2+0(4) = '4500'. message i001 with messtab-msgv1 messtab-msgv2 'created'. endif. endloop. endform. " build_bdc *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form bdchead *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_1713 text * -->P_1714 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form bdchead using p_program p_dynpro. clear bdcdata. move : p_program to bdcdata-program, p_dynpro to bdcdata-dynpro, 'X' to bdcdata-dynbegin. append bdcdata. endform. " bdchead *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form bdcitem *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_1718 text * -->P_1719 text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form bdcitem using p_fnam p_fval. clear bdcdata. move p_fnam to bdcdata-fnam. write p_fval to bdcdata-fval left-justified. append bdcdata. endform. " bdcitem More Function Module
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