Creation and download an XML
REPORT z_down_xml LINE-SIZE 132 NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. ********************************************************************** * REPORT Z_DOWN_XML - Using an internal table (gt_marc) * * and downloading the report data as an xml file * * The xml indentation is hard coded into the file * ********************************************************************** * Databases TABLES: makt, "Mat description marc, "Material / plant t001w, "plant name bhdgd. "Batch heading * Internal tables DATA: BEGIN OF gt_marc OCCURS 0, werks LIKE marc-werks, matnr LIKE marc-matnr, END OF gt_marc, * Table to be downloaded as xml. Each line stores start and end tags * and the value BEGIN OF gt_xml OCCURS 0, line(120), END OF gt_xml, g_maktx(120). * User-input SELECT-OPTIONS: s_werks FOR marc-werks, s_matnr FOR marc-matnr. ********************************************************************** START-OF-SELECTION. * Extract all required data PERFORM main_processing. ********************************************************************** END-OF-SELECTION. SORT gt_marc BY werks matnr. LOOP AT gt_marc. AT FIRST. "First tag must be root CLEAR gt_xml. gt_xml-line = '<LOCATIONS>'. APPEND gt_xml. CLEAR gt_xml. ENDAT. AT NEW werks. "At new plant PERFORM read_plant. FORMAT COLOR 4 ON. SKIP 1. WRITE :/ gt_marc-werks, t001w-name1. FORMAT COLOR 4 OFF. CLEAR gt_xml. gt_xml-line = ' <PLANT>'. APPEND gt_xml. CLEAR gt_xml. CONCATENATE ' <NUMBER>' gt_marc-werks '</NUMBER>' INTO gt_xml-line. APPEND gt_xml. CLEAR gt_xml. CONCATENATE ' <NAME>' t001w-name1 '</NAME>' INTO gt_xml-line. APPEND gt_xml. CLEAR gt_xml. gt_xml-line = ' </PLANT>'. APPEND gt_xml. CLEAR gt_xml. ENDAT. PERFORM read_description. CLEAR gt_xml. gt_xml-line = ' <MATERIAL>'. APPEND gt_xml. CLEAR gt_xml. CONCATENATE ' <NAME>' g_maktx '</NAME>' INTO gt_xml-line. APPEND gt_xml. CLEAR gt_xml. CONCATENATE ' <NUMBER>' gt_marc-matnr '</NUMBER>' INTO gt_xml-line. APPEND gt_xml. CLEAR gt_xml. gt_xml-line = ' </MATERIAL>'. APPEND gt_xml. CLEAR gt_xml. * display data FORMAT COLOR 2 ON. WRITE :/ gt_marc-matnr, makt-maktx. FORMAT COLOR 2 OFF. ENDLOOP. * The last tag must be the root closing tag --* gt_xml-line = '</LOCATIONS>'. APPEND gt_xml. CLEAR gt_xml. CALL FUNCTION 'DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING filename = 'C:\PLANT1.XML' filetype = 'ASC' TABLES data_tab = gt_xml. ********************************************************************** TOP-OF-PAGE. MOVE sy-title TO bhdgd-line1. MOVE sy-repid TO bhdgd-repid. MOVE sy-uname TO bhdgd-uname. MOVE sy-datum TO bhdgd-datum. MOVE '0' TO bhdgd-inifl. MOVE '132' TO bhdgd-lines. FORMAT INTENSIFIED ON COLOR COL_HEADING. PERFORM batch-heading(rsbtchh0). "report header *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Form READ_PLANT *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM read_plant. * Get plant name CLEAR t001w. SELECT SINGLE name1 INTO t001w-name1 FROM t001w WHERE werks EQ gt_marc-werks. ENDFORM. " READ_PLANT *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Form MAIN_PROCESSING *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM main_processing. * Material and plant basic data SELECT werks matnr INTO TABLE gt_marc FROM marc WHERE werks IN s_werks AND matnr IN s_matnr. ENDFORM. " MAIN_PROCESSING *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Form READ_DESCRIPTION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM read_description. * Material name CLEAR g_maktx. SELECT SINGLE maktx INTO g_maktx FROM makt WHERE matnr EQ gt_marc-matnr AND spras EQ 'E'. * Replace special character DO. REPLACE '&' WITH '*ù%;' INTO g_maktx. IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL. EXIT.ENDIF. ENDDO. DO. REPLACE '*ù%;' WITH '&' INTO g_maktx. IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL. EXIT.ENDIF. ENDDO. DO. REPLACE '/' WITH '/' INTO g_maktx. IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL. EXIT.ENDIF. ENDDO. ENDFORM. " READ_DESCRIPTION ******************** END OF PROGRAM Z_DOWN_XML ************************ More Function Module
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