How to edit a particular column
in an alv report output?
Enable edit field in fieldcatalog. When you want to do edit only for particular column and not for the entire grid then you need to perform fieldcat in that particular column only. For example: form build_fieldcat changing pt_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat. data ls_fcat type lvc_s_fcat.
if ls_fcat-fieldname EQ 'Curr'. ls_fcat-scrtext_s = 'CURRENCY'.
In this way you can give editable option to that particular
column only.
What is the use of reuse_alv_events_ get fm? This is used to call ALV display type i.e. which type display you want in your report. You can pass five types value (0-4), which are under. 0 = simple list REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY 1 = hierarchcal-sequential list REUSE_ALV_HIERSEQ_LIST_DISPLAY 2 = simple block list REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_APPEND 3 = hierarchical-sequential block list REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_HS_APPEND 4 = Fullscreen REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY |
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