Have a Question on smartforms
I have a question on smartforms,
I managed to create one and generated the function module but now when
I call the function module of the form in my report I get an error. Please
advise on what to do.
Rajasekhar Kammili *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report YZDS_SMARTFORM_1 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT YZDS_SMARTFORM_1 . Tables: bkpf, bseg. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Internal Tables to be used. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- data: begin of int_table1 occurs 0. include structure bkpf. data: end of int_table1. data: begin of int_table2 occurs 0. include structure bseg. data: end of int_table2. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Selection Options to be used. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- select-op! tions s_belnr for bkpf-belnr memory id 001. select-options s_bukrs for bkpf-bukrs memory id 002. select * from bkpf where belnr in s_belnr and bukrs in s_bukrs. move-corresponding bkpf to int_table1. append int_table1. endselect. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Calling the funtion module which was generated by the Smartform. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- Call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' Exporting formname = 'yzds_zsmart' Importing fm_name = '/1BCDWB/SF00000002' Exceptions no_form = 1 no_function_module = 2 others = 3. if sy-sbrc <> 0. write :? 'ERROR ERROR'. endif. Call funtcion fm_name tables l_bkpf = int_table1 Exceptions formatting_error = 1 internal_error = 2 send_error = 3 user_cancelled = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc <>0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif.-------------------------------------------------- Try to avoid hard coding the function module (SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME)
- importing parameter,
Lokesh data: fm_name type rs38l_fnam, Call function 'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' Exporting formname = 'yzds_zsmart' Importing fm_name = fm_name Exceptions no_form = 1 no_function_module = 2 others = 3. if sy-sbrc <> 0. write :? 'ERROR ERROR'. endif. Call funtcion fm_name tables l_bkpf = int_table1 Exceptions formatting_error = 1 internal_error = 2 send_error = 3 user_cancelled = 4 others = 5. if sy-subrc <>0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif. More Function Module
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