How can we run abap program from command line

Is it possible to run abap program from commnad prompt like DOS on windows or unix command line?

Yes. But in my experience it is not advised, use it as a last resort (because of lack of time or lack of technical expertise to write C or java or .NET code )

If yes, what's the command RFC command syntax?

C:\Program Files\SAP620\SAPGUI\rfcsdk\bin>startrfc

RFC command line interface

Syntax :
         startrfc [connect options] <function options>

function options =
          -F <function module
          -E <parameter>=<value>
          -T <table name>,<width>,[r=<file>][,w=<file>]
             where <file> is a path name to read from (r)
             or write to (w) the internal table.
             If <file> is -, stdin or stdout is used.

RFC connection options:

  -d <destination>      name of the RFC destination.
           Necessary, if you are using a 'sideinfo' file.

  -2                    SNA mode on.
           You must set this if you want to connect to R/2.
           All other conection data must be suppplied by a
           sideinfo file.

  -3                    R/3 mode on.
           You must set this if you want to connect to R/3.
           Specify the following options:

      -h <hostname>         hostname of the R/3 target system.

      -s <system number>    system number of the target system.
           this determines the TCP/IP service to be used to connect
           to the R/3 system. The default value is 0 and the default
           service being used then is sapgw00.

      -gui               start sapgui
           to allow dynpro and graphics processing
           (3.0C or later required on the target system).

      Using an intermediate SAP gateway, specify:
           -g <gateway host>
           -x <gateway service>
           (must not be used with -gui or -debug option).

  -balanced             load balancing mode.
           Another way to connect to R/3, if the R/3 system is 3.0C
           or later and workload balancing is active on that system.
           Requests are automatically routed to the application server
           having the best response times in the moment.
           Specify the following options:

      -h <host name>     hostname of R/3's message server.

      -s <system name>   name of the target system.
           This determines the TCP/IP service to be used to connect
           to the R/3 system.
           The system name is a 3 letter word. If the system name
           is XXX, the service being used is sapXXX.

      -g <group name>    name of application server group.
           The default is PUBLIC.

      -gui               start sapgui
           to allow dynpro and graphics processing.

additional options:

  -t              turn trace on.
           all operations are written to the trace file 'dev_rfc'

  -debug          turn ABAP/4 debugging mode on.
           this can only be done, if sapgui is installed on the client
           system and the target system has version 3.0C or later.

Using the 'saprfc.ini'-file:

  -D <destination>    name of the RFC destination in saprfc.ini
           Instead of using the connection and additional options
           defined above, you can also work with the 'saprfc.ini'-file
           and all needed options must be defined in this file.
           Using this feature, this program can run in an SNC

RFC logon data:

  -u <userid>      SAP userid.

  -p <password>    password.

  -c <client>      client.

  -l <language>    logon language.

further options:

         -i <input file for argv>
         -o <output file for argv>
         -? this text
There you go,

Tom Demuyt.

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