Linking F4 Help to Fields. Here we will deal with the linking of F4 help to fields. It is easy. As usual, define, implement and register the event “onf4” at proper places in your code. For F4 help, you must register the fields whose F4 request will trigger the “onf4” event. For this you must prepare a table of type “LVC_T_F4” and register this table using the method “register_f4_for_fields”. While preparing table you must include a line for each field which will trigger F4 event. For each field in the structure; 1) Pass the fieldname to ‘FIELDNAME’.
Preparing table for the fields to be registered to trigger F4 event. DATA: lt_f4 TYPE lvc_t_f4 WITH HEADER LINE .
A sample “onf4” method implementation. METHOD handle_on_f1 .
Again, we set the attribute “er_event_data->m_event_handled” to prevent further processing of standard F4 help. Also, check these standard programs for coding samples: BCALV_GRID_F4_HELP_APPLICATION
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