Explain the definition of dataset.
The dataset contains the data for the query view. Special applications require information that cannot be obtained using the method interfaces. For some applications you need more information than is contained in the cell contents. For example, you need the list of available characteristics or the contents of the dynamic filter before you are able to jump from one report into another. Basic Form of the OPEN DATASET Statement To open a file on the application server, use the OPEN statement as follows: OPEN DATASET <dsn> [Additions]. This statement opens the file <dsn>. If you do not specify any additions for the mode, the file is opened in binary mode for reading. SY-SUBRC returns 0 if the system opens the file. Otherwise, SY-SUBRC is set to 8. You enter the filename <dsn> either as a literal or as a field containing the actual name of the file. If you do not specify a path, the system opens the file in the directory in which the R/3 System is running on the application server. To open a file, the user under which the R/3 System is running must have the requisite authorizations at operating system level. Sample Program for writing into internal table from Application Server Since you want to upload from the application
server, please make sure that your csv file is present in the right destination
in the server by using t-code Al11.
*------display the data from the internal table
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