Sample Program on BLOCK LISTS
Do help me regarding ALV BLOCK LIST DISPLAY... Can you people send some sample progs on BLOCK LISTS function modules. Sivakumar
*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Declarations for BLOCK ALV DISPLAY *---------------------------------------------------------------------* *--type pools TYPE-POOLS:slis. DATA:x_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv, t_field TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv, *--field catalog x_fldcat LIKE LINE OF t_field, *--to hold all the events t_events TYPE slis_t_event, x_events TYPE slis_alv_event, t_sort TYPE slis_t_sortinfo_alv, x_sort LIKE LINE OF t_sort , *--Print Layout x_print_layout TYPE slis_print_alv. *----Macro to add field catalog. *field "text "length "tech "COL_POS "DATATYPE "DDIC_OUTPUTLEN DEFINE add_catalog. clear x_fldcat. x_fldcat-fieldname = &1. x_fldcat-seltext_m = &2. x_fldcat-outputlen = &3. x_fldcat-tech = &4. x_fldcat-col_pos = &5. x_fldcat-no_zero = 'X'. x_fldcat-ddictxt = 'M'. x_fldcat-datatype = &6. x_fldcat-ddic_outputlen = &7. if &6 = 'N'. x_fldcat-lzero = 'X'. endif. *--build field catalog append x_fldcat to t_field. END-OF-DEFINITION. *----- data declerations. data: v_repid like sy-repid. data: begin of itab occurs 0, matnr like mara-matnr, ernam like mara-ernam, meins like mara-meins, end of itab. data: begin of jtab occurs 0, matnr like makt-matnr, maktx like makt-maktx, end of jtab. select matnr ernam meins up to 20 rows from mara into table itab. select matnr maktx up to 20 rows from makt into table jtab. v_repid = sy-repid. *DISPLAY alv * Initialize Block call function 'REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_INIT' exporting i_callback_program = v_repid. *Block 1: *INITIALIZE refresh t_field. clear t_field. refresh t_events. *field "text "length "tech "COL_POS "DATATYPE "DDIC_OUTPUTLEN add_catalog: 'MATNR' 'Material' '18' '' '1' 'C' '18', 'ERNAM' 'Created By' '12' '' '2' 'C' '12', 'MEINS' 'Unit' '5' '' '3' 'C' '3'. *--build table for events. x_events-form = 'TOP_OF_LIST1'. x_events-name = slis_ev_top_of_list. append x_events to t_events. call function 'REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_APPEND' exporting is_layout = x_layout it_fieldcat = t_field i_tabname = 'ITAB' it_events = t_events it_sort = t_sort tables t_outtab = itab exceptions program_error = 1 maximum_of_appends_reached = 2 others = 3. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif. *--BLOCK 2(SUMMARY REPORT) *INITIALIZE refresh t_field. clear t_field. refresh t_events. *field "text "length "tech "COL_POS "DATATYPE "DDIC_OUTPUTLEN add_catalog: 'MATNR' 'Material' '20' '' '1' 'C' '18', 'MAKTX' 'Description' '40' '' '2' 'C' '40'. *--build table for events. x_events-form = 'TOP_OF_LIST2'. x_events-name = slis_ev_top_of_list. append x_events to t_events. * Append table block. call function 'REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_APPEND' exporting is_layout = x_layout it_fieldcat = t_field i_tabname = 'JTAB' it_events = t_events tables t_outtab = jtab exceptions program_error = 1 maximum_of_appends_reached = 2 others = 3. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif. *--CALL FM TO DISPLAY THE BLOCK REPORT. call function 'REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_DISPLAY' * exporting * is_print = x_print_layout exceptions program_error = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc <> 0. message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. endif. form top_of_list1. skip 1. write: 10 'List 1', /5 '--------------------'. skip 1. format reset. endform. form top_of_list2. skip 1. write: 10 'List 2', /5 '--------------------'. skip 1. format reset. endform.Mohana Singh
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