It is used to run the expensive
programs, reports that consumes more time in the background mode. i.e.
a job is scheduled to run at a specific time or periodically.
Example: Daily report, Weekly sales
report or expensive to run in the peak hours so they are scheduled to run
in the background mode during off peak hours.
Process Flow
1. User submits the request via
dispatcher to a WP.
2. The Dialogue work process handles
the request and updates the tables
3. Tables TBC* are used to store
the BTC Jobs
4. A program SAPMSSYS starts in
the dialogue mode at frequency that is defined in the parameter rdisp\btctime=60Sec
SAPMSSYS - Checks for every 60
sec into the TBTC* table.
* To delay the BTC processing increase
the time as much as possible.
Example : 100000 seconds 27Hrs
RZ11 (rdisp/btctime)
Refer - BTCTRNS1 from SE38
We can also use BTCTRNS2 to resume
the background jobs (Execute the program)
5. BWP looks into the table and
identify the jobs which are in the Ready State.
6. BWP runs the job in the Active
mode till completion/ Cancelled.
BWP are defined by using rdisp/wp_no_btc=2
(Min 2 per system)
We can increase as many as possible
depending upon the resources.
** Note: We can pause jobs by setting
the value to 0 zero **
BWP jobs are defined in SM36
Specify Jobname: Daily report
JobClass: C A, B, C (High, Medium,
Low Priority)
Class A requires a dedicated BTC
of class A which are defined in operation modes.
Class B has medium priority over
class C jobs
Class C jobs runs with Normal Priority
1. Scheduled: The job is defined
but time to execute is not specified.
2. Released: The time to execute
is specified
3. Ready: The Time to run the job
is reached
4. Active: BWP processing the task
5. Cancelled: The job is cancelled
6. Completed: The job is completed
or finished
Execution server - Name of the
instance that provides BWP to run the job
Exec Target - Willsys_<SID>_00
Click on step
We need to specify the following
for the JOB Execution
2. External Command
3. External Program
1. ABAP Program - Is a predefined
program that will be run in the background with user inputs as variants.
Variant - Is a predefined value
that is populated during the runtime.
Eg: consider RSPO1041 from SA38
Goto SA38 and define variant for
7 & 15 days
Prog: RSPO1041
Variant: willsys SAVE
Click on start condition - IMMEDIATE
or DATE....
2. External Commands: The job can
be executed by external commands which are defined in SM49/ SM69. These
commands are OS commands that will be executed at command level.
Use DB13 to schedule the jobs.
The jobs in DB13 uses OS Commands.
3. External Programs:
NAME: Name of the program
Target Host:
Name : Specify the name of the
program and the parameters. Specify the name of the target host.
Specify the start condition
Immediate/ Periodic/ Jobstart,
Event (SM62)/ Operation. Modes.
Job Started: When dependent job
started this gets triggered.
Event: When an event triggered
in SAP it also triggers the job as well. |