Jobs Tips For Your Next Change
To Leave Your Day Job - The Five Signs
What causes this and what is the solution? You internally
dislike your job and finding a new job is the solution. Perhaps working
from home where you are in control. Throughout my work career I’ve
had the opportunity to work at.......
#1 Job Search Mistake to Avoid: Not Preparing Your Mind!
Mental preparation is probably your most important task
as you proceed in your job search. This not only needs to be worked on
right from the start, but also on an ongoing basis. A healthy mindset
is your best asset for the.......
Ways to Ask 'Will I Be Happy In My Next Career?
There are no one-size-fits-all guidelines, but here are
five questions that can help you anticipate how you'll enjoy what happens
when you get to the other side. "Did I choose to make this move or am I
being pressured?" ......
to attract -- not attack -- your next career
Pay attention to what holds your interest. "Ed" literally
fell into his new career at age twelve, when he crashed into a church
organ from a choir loft. Watching the organ repair, Ed
became fascinated and asked if he could learn..........
to Work Effectively With Recruiters
Respect what recruiters do. Although recruiters don’t
work for you, the good ones will work with you. With a hiring
company in mind, a recruiter will make recommendations
on how you should change your resume, the way......
a Job by Design
Your job is an opportunity for you to express yourself
and develop your talents and skills so you can achieve some level of mastery,
earn more money, and enjoy yourself. Knowing what you have to offer an
employer and being clear.......
Work: The Changing Face of Employment
Nowadays it isn't strange for a person to have around
five completely different career paths in their lifetime. You might think
that jobb security is much lower, but there are new types
of jobs emerging everyday with the advent of........
Tips for a Safe Online Job-Search
Phishing is an attempt to extract personal information
through what appears to be authentic emails. If you are job searching,
an email from a seemingly interested recruiter, for example, may not raise
a red flag with you. You may think.........
my second career, I want to do nothing!
Don't think of crashing the career party. Stop pounding
on closed doors. Think of creating yourself as a person who will
collect all sorts of exciting invitations! Reach out
for more opportunities to do what you enjoy. As you.......
Jobs: Do You Have a Future in Photography?
If you enjoy photography and are thinking of it as a
career, there are actually many different directions you can choose from.
Obviously, there is professional photography but even
in that choice there are many other smaller options.........
The WorkWise Collection: Lost Your Job? Ten Ways to Bounce Back!
Losing a joob is big. Find a way to acknowledge the loss.
What ritual could you perform or symbol could you use to say goodbye to
the past? What positive habit could you develop to help you transition
to the future? Admit your..........
for Online Job Seekers
Where will you begin your search? Is there only one way
to find a jjob? There are several ways to do so, but today we will
cover the online option. Many of you already know that
the internet now provides instant access to jobs.......
Your Perfect Work
As a professional who deals with career issues every
day, I have come to realize that my story isn’t unusual. Though the
reasons vary, countless other people’s childhood dreams
have been squashed by well-meaning adults. I am one........
at Work : Techniques : Delegation
Most people think delegation always flows downward. An
executive delegates a task to a manager, who delegates the
task to a supervisor, who delegates the task to a worker.
That is typically the way delegation flows, but powerful........
Advancement Tips from the Office Schmoozer
When time comes to evaluate Employee A vs Employee B,
it's the subconscious that does the final tally - silently. It does so
without letting on to the conscious self that the final
decision very much takes into account the perks, compliments......
Or, How Many Crazy Interview Questions Does It Take to Get Hired?
Before you sit there scratching your head and wondering
if you've entered the interviewing Twilight Zone, realize that it's
becoming more and more common for interviewers to ask
these kinds of brainteaser questions. Why in the........
As A Freelancer
Freelancing has its challenges, has its drawbacks, its
pitfalls, but it also has rewards that you cannot get anywhere. Getting
job, going to an office and working under a bloated project
manager gives me the creeps. Life becomes an........
Options For The Ambitious Nurse Entrepreneur
An Independent Nurse Contractor is one who practices
outside the customary role of an employee of another; as an alternative
they elect to work as an independent contractor. You will set the terms
of your services limited only...........
The WorkWise Collection: Ten Ways to Win the Job Search Mind Game
In today’s competitive job market you need more than
a killer résumé and great interviewing skills to survive.
Twenty-first-century job seekers must be able to deal
with ambiguity, maintain a winner’s mindset, demonstrate.........
The Job
Loss Myth
The explosion in the number of people going indie has
a number of causes. Downsizing created the realization that “job
security” isn’t something other people provide, but something
you have to create. Two-income families discovered........
a Job in a Fast Growing Field Using Labor Market Information For Your State
The question confronting most people who want to find
a job is "what's a good paying job with growth potential?" At one
time, the Conestoga wagon building trade boomed as people joined the wagon
Tips for Starting a New Job
You spent ten years with one company. Now you've switched
to a new organization - and possibly a new career. Your challenge is not
only to learn but also to release old patterns that won't serve you well
here. Here are seven tips.......
What You Want in Your Next Job
Question – “When have you been most motivated?” This
question is more than an interview question; it is a question that you
should be asking yourself before the interview. When have you been most
satisfied in your work? When did you.......
common mistakes to avoid during a career crisis
You've just been laid off or your business has taken
a nose dive. Or you realize you need a change -- fast. Nearly everyone
panics and makes at least one of these mistakes. You're not alone if you've
been there! 1. Sign up for a resume......
energy to blast past your career comfort zone
Career change, like all transitions, call for moving
past a familiar zone of comfort. Breaking free feels like blasting out
of the earth's gravity zone: you need lots of energy to get started before
finding a new momentum. Gaining energy......
Career Changers Need Fame-Based Strategy
Before Linda Tripp and Ken Starr entered her world, Monica
Lewinsky was headed for a public relations job at Revlon. She would have
been one among many attractive young women climbing the corporate ladder,
Things to Count on the First Weeks in a New Job (and What to Do Around
Here are three things typical of your first weeks on
a new job. 1. You will get sick. 2. You will find out you were lied
3. You will have a mini-crisis at home. There. Now that
you have the proper expectations, it will be easier.......
Things NOT to Do the First Week on Your New Job
We are intensely territorial at heart. Our reptilian
brains are keyed to be suspicious of "intruders," and to fear what we don't
know. Your first few days in a new job, you're being scrutinized under
a microscope and are only tentatively......
Your Job Goes Away
Q. What do I do after a job goes away? A. Gwendolyn Parker,
author of Trespassing, asked for seven months of severance when she voluntarily
left a prestigious corporate job. Seven months seems like a vast,
open space when you......
to Choose the Right Job Candidate?
You're having trouble with an employee. After trying
different things, you realize you hired the wrong person in the first place.
Has this happened to you? If so, here are tips on how to hire the right
person in the first place.......
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