We can have many wonderful mentors from book author and Jim Rohn is one of my favorites. Even at his death, his timeless messages written can be still be used to help build your work from home company. The message for this post is how to create opportunity and confidence for women at home. The key word is to be "enterprising." An enterprising mum is one who can see opportunity all around her. When others see only obstacles and failure, an at home based business enterprising woman can envision opportunity and victory. To be enterprising is to keep your eyes open and your mind active. It's to be confident and skilled enough to seize the opportunities that present themselves...regardless of the economy -- or any other perceived obstacle. An enterprising mum is disciplined enough to do her homework before she takes action. She uses all the resources available to her and she comes prepared. Top home business professionals always see the future in the present. They can find ways to take advantage of a situation -- to not be burdened by it. They are energetic, and they go after opportunities. They are constantly finding ways to keep moving toward their goals. Enterprise is a two sided. The first is creativity. You've got to be able to see what is, then see would it could be. You need to look at situations differently than most and to turn each situation into an advantage. Second, enterprise is courage. When you see things others don't, you will need the courage to go against the crowd, to take a different approach. You may need courage to stand alone and chose to take action to make your dream a reality whether building a top home based business or just to earn extra money from home. Enterprise doesn't just relate to the ability to make money. It also means feeling good enough about yourself, having enough self-worth to want to seek the advantages and opportunities that will make a difference in your future. By doing so, your home based small business will grow and thrive. You will increase your confidence, your courage, and your creativity. Each time you exercise taking an enterprising attitude, you and your business will grow. Look around your right now for opportunities you might be missing and take action to create positive results for you and your top home based business. - Statistics say that most people miss at least one MAJOR opportunity every year. The fact is that if you took advantage of all the opportunities that you have missed, you'd be better off than you are now. Statistics say that most people miss at least one MAJOR opportunity every year. The fact is that if you took advantage of all the opportunities that you have missed, you'd be better off than you are now.
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