How to check installed packages? For example to check whether you have firefox installed
you can use rpm utility available on RedHat enterprise Linux :
How to enable telnet services on Redhat enterprise Linux? # chkconfig telnet --list #chkconfig telnet on #chkconfig --level 35 telnet on where 3 and 5 are run levels , so telnet will run when
Linux is running in runlevel 3 and 5 only.
How to change Redhat Linux system default run level? 1. edit /etc/inittab file and changerun level from level 5 (which is X or GUI mode ) to run level 3 # vi /etc/inittab id:3:initdefault: 2. simply reboot the server and your default run level changes to level 3 which is text based linux session. 3. How to dynamically change the runlevel of Linux system without rebooting - e.g: switch to single user mode : # telinit S - e.g: switch to X or GUI (desktop) mode #telinit 5 - e.g: If you have made changes to the /etc/inittab file to change the default runlevel and want to change the system to that new default you can do so by using the telinit with the q command-line option: # telinit q
For RHCE and RHCT exam you should know RHEL4 boot sequence as follows:
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