1) Installation requirements: / -20000MB, /boot -128MB,
/home -2048MB, Swap – 4000MB. Firewall should be disabled, SElinux should
be in disabled, and select ‘I will register later’. Password for user root
should be ‘RedHat@MCA’. Your ip address should be configuring through DHCP.
( NFS directory path to /var/ftp/pub/server5.4 and NFS server Name as
Note: Installation should be done through the NFS and use custom partition. 2) Change the system run level to 3 and reboot your system.
3) Create a directory named „X? under /. ( Where X is “Exam”. ) 4) Copy the directory /boot/grub with its contents to
/X and rename it to ‘Sample’.
5) Change your current working directory to ‘Sample’. Create empty files named ‘first, second, third , fourth, fifth, sixth’ 6) Using numeric method to change the permission to the files ‘first, second, third’ such that user should have read, write and execute permission. Group members should have read and execute permission. Others should have read and execute permission. 7) Using symbolic method to change the permission to the files ‘fourth, fifth, sixth’ such that user should have read, write permission. Group members should not have write and execute permission. Others should not have any permission. 8) Using ‘cat’ command to create files named ‘bca’, ‘mca’ with the content ‘This is file for bca students’ and ‘This is file for mca student’. 9) Create a soft link file ‘slbca’ at /mnt for ‘bca’ and create a hard link file ‘hlmca’ at /opt for ‘mca’. --- Answers: 1.
2. vim /etc/inittab 3. mkdir /Exam 4. cp -r /boot/grub /Exam/sample 5.
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