Widely Used Shells in Linux

Which are widely used shells in Linux?

A shell is any program that takes input from the user, translates it into instructions that the operating system can understand, and conveys the operating system's output back to the user.

  • Sh – simple shell
  • BASH – Bourne Again Shell
  • KSH – Korne Shell
  • CSH – C Shell
  • SSH – Secure Shell
- The sh shell was the earliest shell, being developed for UNIX back in the late 1970s.
  • It is the most Popular-that is why it is bundled with every Unix System
  • This is the shell used by many Unix users
  • Steve Bourne’s Creation
- The csh shell was originally developed for BSD UNIX. It uses a syntax that is very similar to C programming.
  • Created by Bill Joy
  • Two Advantage over Bourne Shell
1. Allows Aliasing of commands- you can decide what name you want to call command by. Instead of typing lengthy commands you simply use short alias at the command line.

2. Command history feature – Previously typed commands can be recalled, since C shell keeps track of all commands issued at the command line.

Korn shell

  • Very powerful
  • Super set of Borne Shell
  • Designed by David Korn of AT & T Bells Labs
  • Offers lot more capabilities and decidedly more efficient than the other
- The bash shell is an improved version of the sh shell and is one of the most popular shells today. It’s the default shell used by most Linux distributions.

- The tsch shell is an improved version of the C Shell. It is the default shell used on FreeBSD systems.

- The Z Shell is an improved version of the bash shell.

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