What are the possible units of measure for a material?
Definition - Unit of Measure is the criterion based on which you measure the quantity of the material. Unit of measure is a value for a physical size. Examples:
Base unit of measure: Stocks of a material are managed in the base unit of measure. All quantity movements in other units of measure are converted automatically by the system into the base unit of measure. Alternative unit of measure: If a product is managed in the base unit of measure "Piece" but is sold in the sales unit "Box", you must define the conversion factor. The alternative unit of measure can define, for example, that 1 box of this material contains 12 pieces. Sales unit: The unit of measure in which materials are sold is referred to as a sales unit (for example, piece or bottle). The value you define in the material master record is proposed during business transactions relevant for sales, such as the sales order. You can replace them with other alternative units of measure in the sales order. Delivery Unit: The delivery unit refers to the unit in which materials can be delivered. Only exact multiples of the delivery unit can be delivered. For example, with a delivery unit of 30 bottles, 30, 60 or 90 bottles can be delivered, but not 100 bottles. Quantity Specifications: Two different quantity specifications are used: Minimum order quantity: The minimum order quantity refers to the minimum quantity the customer must order. A warning message appears if the minimum order quantity is not reached during order entry. The order can be entered in spite of the warning message. Minimum delivery quantity:
The minimum delivery quantity refers to the minimum quantity you must deliver
to the customer. The minimum delivery quantity is automatically checked
during delivery processing. A warning message appears during delivery processing
if you enter a delivery quantity lower than the minimum delivery quantity.
The delivery can be created in spite of this warning message.
Configuration Setup:
1) Decide under which dimension unit has to be created:
2) Decide which ISO code should be assigned to the unit:
Business specific ISO codes can be created in the system if not available in the system and assigned to UOM. |
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