By focusing on training your
mind each and every day, you will start to realize the amount
of abundance and prosperity you can attain. Doing this training on a daily
basis allows you to set even higher goals to which you are sure to reach.
The secret towards abundance is very simple because life is very simple. All it takes for us to create abundance in this world is steady attention to abundance. Whenever we put our mind to focus on something we give it our attention and it becomes more of it as a result of our attention. A constant effort to focus on abundance will allow us to become a vibrational match to abundance and reveal all cooperative components to the fulfillment of that desire. I've seen this happening countless times in my life that when I became a cooperative component to the universe, I suddenly realized things that before seemed illogical to me or I met someone who lead me into something I needed to know. It's really very interesting how life can orchestrate everything AFTER we have become a match to our desire. Because we are all living in a world of duality whenever there is the presence of something there is also the absence of this thing. So darkness is here because of the absence of light, sickness is the absence of wellness, poverty is the absence of wealth, etc. Whenever our mind focus on a subject there is the tendency to look at the absence of it and by doing so creating more of the "presence of the absence" which won't allow the desire to manifest because we are in the vibration of "absence" instead of "presence". The secret key here is then to be as general as we can be while still being focused on the "presence" of the desire (note: when we are focused on the presence of the desire we feel good; when we are focused on the absence of the desire we feel bad) and to hold our focus in that space to allow the energy to expand and reveal more details to us that will lead us down the path. Every life journey, no matter how long, starts with the first single step and when we are able to constantly hold the focus of our vision in our frontal lobe we move in the direction of this desire constantly and feel joyful all along the way. When there is no struggle in life, there is no worrying, there is no doubt, there is absolute certainty that our desire is already waiting for us, beaming a specific signal and all we have to do is tune to it and enjoy the ride. "Life in itself is an empty canvas; it becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery, you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory." Osho
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