"There will always be tension between your enthusiasm
for your goal and the fear of failing to achieve it.
"Failure is an essential part of the combination required
to open the lock on success."
Our self-motivation is what that drives us forward every day through our living lives. It the force that gets us up in the morning to go work, and it is what keeps us doing everything we need to to get by. So what happens when we are lack of motivation? As many people have found out, the lack of motivation can be a life altering moment. That moment of the day when you decide you "Can't be bothered" you've made a decision to change the direction of your life, whether in a big or small way. Looking at it, the lack of motivation isn't always a bad thing if it leads you onto a better path, something you're motivated about and enjoy. But sometimes you need to stay motivated with things even if you don't want to. Here are some tips to stay motivated even when you are lack of motivation and does not want to carry on doing what you're doing:- Remembering Why What is the initial reason you first got into this? Was there a financial reward goals? Are you working towards something? Is this something that's going to help your future? Think of the importance behind the task and focus on that. Let it be your driving force. Appreciate Your Blessing If you were not doing this what would you be doing instead? Would your life be better or worse then what it is now? We don't always like what we do when we are lack of motivation, but sometimes we have to appreciate what we have as without it we would be a lot worse off. Make It Fun Sometimes you don't want to do something but it simply needs to be done. So why not get some enjoyment out of it? Try and make it fun, turn it into a game if possible. If you stack boxes for example, why not see how many boxes you can stack in a set time period, then try and beat that next time? There's always a way to liven things up, even if it's only a little bit. Rewarding Yourself Determine your own milestones along the way to achieving your goals and assign rewards for each one. You don't have to splurge either. It can be as simple as watching a movie, if its not something you do regularly, a book you have been dying to read or a quick weekend getaway. The reward has to be something that excites you and motivates you to work towards each milestone. Implementing these things will help you counter the lack of motivation, but having said that if you really can't stay motivated it isn't always best to stick with what it cois you're doing. At the end of the day, it's your choice.
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