Life Creates New Challenges All The Time

"It is the follow through that makes the great difference between
ultimate success and failure, because it is so easy to stop."
*-- Charles F. Kettering  {1876-1958 American Inventor}

"Happiness is not a reward - it is consequence. 
Suffering is not a punishment - it is a result. "
*-- Robert Green Ingersoll

"Unless it's your path, it's pointless to follow. 
But if it is your path, then, alas, it's pointless to follow any other."
*-- Harvey Arden 

At times when we as human deals with hard situations, we might get to a point where we feel that we are at the end of our rope. This is true especially when the situation continues on for a long period of time. At these hard times we might start to question why we have to go through so much, and why things can't just be a little easier.

It is true that life often creates new challenges for us all the time, those challenges can try us to our core, it is important to remember that those situations are molding us into who we are; a stronger person or one that becomes bitter. And while we get to choose whether to view them as helpful or limiting, one thing remains a simple scientific fact: pressure creates diamonds.

Whether we are going to work, staying at home, dealing with family issues or rocky relationships, the thing that is going to make us successful in overcoming challenges is being persistent and consistent through the tough times. That means continuing to work through each difficult situation in a dedicated manner, regardless of how tough it is.

Some great ideas for implementing this in your life are:

- Creating a daily schedule, post it where you can see it and stick to it.
- Dedicating certain amount of time each day to meditate or pray.
- Writing down goals you really wanted to accomplish.
- Visualize and imagine positive outcomes for those goals.
- Consciously be grateful for the things you already have.

People generally do much better when they hold themselves to a standard of quality. That quality creates structure, structure in turn creates a productive outlook and implementing action will turn it to reality.

There isn't a person on this planet earth who has it all together all of the time. But the successful ones know that part of being a success has to do with learning from failure. Failure and hardship will teach us more about ourselves than anything possibly could, if we let it. There is a great saying: "You have to know what sucks to know what's cool."

That is the beauty of human life - those little victories we enjoy from time to time would never be realized without knowing 'what sucks'. And none would be realized without the sacrifice of time and effort to make things better. We have the opportunity to change our viewpoint about anything we are faced with.

So, the next time you feel discouraged about where your life is headed, try shifting your perspective just a little bit more. You could just be in one of the best learning experiences of your life, if you choose to view it as that and be taught. That is what overcoming challenges is all about. And once you're through it you could happily look back and say "I'm one step closer into polishing myself into a diamond."

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