"Work Hard--Do your best--Keep
your word--Never get too big for your britches--
"Who does not thank for little
will not thank for much."
"The surest way not to fail is
to determine to succeed."
Have you ever heard somone telling
you that, "Time is equal to Money"? Do you know what that sentence means?
Obviously, it does not mean that our time equals to the money we earn.
If it is really the case, we would all be millionaires. But it does not
mean that time is like money. It is a scare resource that, like money,
has to be managed.
During our economics class, we have learned a concept called the opportunity cost. Supposing someone has $5000 to invest, she or he can buy either investment A or investment B. She or he has to make a decision on investment. By choosing A, she or he has to forfeit the opportunity cost of investing in B. And vice versa. Each decision requires a sacrifice. It is the same with your own time. You do not spend the time. You have to invest it. You can invest your time in those actions that bring you closer to your life's objectives or that take you further away from success. Each investment choice of your time carries an opportunity cost. Choosing one activity over anther means you forfeit the opportunity cost to do something else. Time is the ultimate scare resource in this world. An hour spent in front of the television is going to takes away from time you could have spent in front of a computer writing your ebook or in front of your children building a better relationship with them. There is only one area in which time not like money. You can save the money you earn but you cannot save time. When time passes, it is gone forever and ever. Your only choice today is to invest your time more wisely in the future. Your time wisely invested is like compound interest. Small daily deposits can multiply and multiply into a magnificent life. Benjamin Franklin believing in practicing 13 daily virtues. His first two virtues were industry and frugality. He said, The way to wealth. If you desire it, is as plain as the way to market. It depends chiefly on 2 words. Industry and Frugality. That is, waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both. The other virtues were temperance, silence, order, resolution, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity and humility.
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