What is the meaning of planning time fence and where
it is used?
Answer: Planning Time Fence : You can protect procurement proposals from any automatic changes to master schedule items in the near future by using the planning time fence. This to avoid the disturbance of Production Plan by Incoming Sales Order. However we can change the Plan Manually. PTF(Planning time Fence) is effective with Proper MRP Type Say P1, P2, P3, P4 Setting in MRP-1 view of material master. Within the planning time fence, the system does not automatically change procurement proposals during the planning run. That is particularly useful for MPS. You can define the planning time fence either material-specific or per MRP group. The material-specific setting overwrites the MRP group setting. All procurement proposal types are firmed within the planning time fence: - Planned orders
Please note system will create 3 planned orders. Suppose that planning time fence is Ex. 25 days. From the date of MRP run, system will consider the planning time fence as 25 days onward. Planning time fence is this time period in which system will not disturb the current plannng situation.Only manual changes are allowed. Deciding no days in planning time fence , you have to
take into consideration of normally your production cycle time.
How do we decide the number of days for planning time fence. Is there a rule of thumb? Deciding no. days in planning time fence, you have to take into consideration of normally your production cycle time. So that once if you start the production , there will not be any disturbance to your orders. Fence is the boundary with in which you don't want the system to change any elements when you run MRP. Rule is purely your business call. As per your business how many days from today you don't want to change the production plan, if changed will cost you very high cost or non desirable products(scrap). Hence, you need to discuss with business so that when you run MRP, system will not change the production planned order. |
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