SAP PP BOM Self-Evaluation Questions Answers #1

1) The standard system does not support allocation to operations for the following item categories:

A. Class item
B. Document item
C. Text item
D. PM structure element

2) You can use a mass change to perform the following functions:

A. Change
B. Deleting items
C. Creating items

3) Lists produced by BOM reporting functions are displayed according to list profiles.
These list profiles are used for:

A. Screen display
B. Printouts

4) You can redefine each line of the list, for As Follow:

A. Create a new list header
B. Define the position and size of frames

5) To create a new list profile, perform the following activities:

A. Creating a New List Profile
B. Displaying the Standard Profile (Display Blocks)
C. Creating Display Blocks for the New Profile
D. Processing New Display Blocks
E. Checking a New Profile

6) A BOM explosion answers the question: What is the product made of? This question arises in various situations, such as when you want to:

A. Determine material requirements for a product
B. Look at the overall structure of a product in a design department
C. As Follow : an overview of the parts and materials required
D. Calculate the effects of changes to costs

7) The BOM explosion is available to you for the following BOM types:

A. Material BOMs
B. Order BOMs
C. None of above
D. Only option A

8) The application is the key to the following criteria for the search process:

A. Priority of BOM usage
B. Priority of a specific alternative in a multiple BOM
C. Production versions from the material master record
D. Checks for specific status indicators for different application areas

9) Production versions allow you to define the following criteria for selecting an alternative BOM:

A. Alternative BOM
B. BOM usage
C. No

10) You can enter values for effectively parameters in the following reporting functions:

A. BOM explosion level by level
B. Displaying a Multi-Level BOM Explosion
C. Summarized BOM
D. BOM Comparison



1) A, B, C, D

2) A, B, C

3) A, B

4) A, B

5) A, C, D, E

6) A, B, C, D

7) A, B

8) B, C, D

9) A, B

10) A, B, C, D



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BOM Configuration

SAP PP Reference Books:
SAP Production Planning , Configuration, Interview Questions and Certification, Books

SAP MRP - Materials Requirements Planning Configuration Hints and Tips 

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