Standard Networks was accidentally
deleted and the number ranges defined for this deleted standard networks
was system generated Number. Now we want to create the same
standard network using the same number however, we failed to get the same
number for the newly created Standard Network.
How to retrieve the old Deleted Standard Network or Generate the new Standard networks with the old number. ----- Try creating a network profile with the auto assigned number off, then create the new standard network with the old number. This will then generate a standard network with a separate network profile (so in future any change to the old network profile will need to be done in the new network profile). The only other way is to reset your number range you are
using for the standard networks back to the number that you want to use
-1. Then create the new standard network, once it is created, go
back to the number range & enter in the number that it should start
Step one: Change the number range last used number to 7110022 Step two: Create the new network standard (system assigned will be 7110023) Step three: Go back to the number range list & reset last number
used to 7110047
Note: Do this in an evening or weekend when no-one is going to be creating any other new number for standard networks (or kick everyone off until you fix this). |
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