Explain about the invoice correction process. An invoice correction request is used for correcting the quantity or price of one or several items in the invoice. You create invoice correction requests with reference to an invoice. In Customizing, the billing type for the invoice to be copied must contain value M. You can set this in Customizing for Sales and Distribution under Billing Billing documents Define billing types in the SD document category Field. The Process Flow: 1. Create an invoice correction request with reference to a billing document. You can refer to the same invoice correction request more than once. In contrast to credit and debit memo requests, you cannot create an invoice correction request with reference to a quotation or a sales order. The permitted billing types for the invoices are determined in Customizing under Sales and Distribution Sales Maintain copy control for sales documents. You can block the invoice correction request from being billed in Customizing. Go to Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales document header -> Define sales document type in the Billing block field in the Billing section 2. The system creates two items in the invoice correction request for each item in the invoice:
You can maintain the credit and debit indicators in Customizing for items under Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Items -> Define item categories. The Returns field in Business data should be selected for credit items but not for debit items. While working with the invoice correction request, you should regard the two items as belonging together. You can also set the system so that it doesn’t repeat pricing. You can control this in Customizing under Sales and Distribution
Billing Billing documents Maintain copying control for billing documents
in the Pricing type field.
Sales document category Field contents
You can run new pricing for the debit memo request by defining another pricing category in the pricing category field 2. 3. In the credit item, the system completely credits the incorrect invoice item. You cannot change the credit item (apart from the Deletion, Reason for rejection, Billing block and Account assignment fields). Enter the correct price or quantity in the debit memo item. You can let a new pricing run for the item. The correct amount is finally posted. 4. The system calculates the difference between the credit and debit memo item. If there are several corrected items, the system cumulates the values of all the items and calculates a total value. 5. As in credit and debit memo requests, you can: - Set a billing block for the invoice correction request (or change the settings in the billing type in Customizing so that the system does it automatically). - Enter a reason for rejection for one or several items. 6. You can only delete credit items together with their corresponding debit items. You delete items that you haven’t changed with a function. 7. The system generates a credit memo. If the total
value is positive, the credit memo item does not have a + sign, if the
total value is negative, it has a – sign.
8. The title of the printout for the credit or debit memo depends on the characteristic that has been assigned to it (sales document category) and not the total value: Sales document category Title
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