SAP Billing and SAP Shipping Configuration Hints and Tips

Table of Contents

Billing Document
SAP Billing document represents the final processing stage for a business transaction in Sales and Distribution. Information on billing is available at every stage of order processing and delivery processing.

Payment Terms by Material
Tcodes To Configure The SAP SD Sales Tax Determination
Steps To Setup Collective Billing in SAP Sales and Distribution
Create a Collective Billing Spiltting rule
To create a discount on payer level on billing type LR
Difference between Credit memo and subsequent debits/credits
What Is Meant By Billing Document Type?
Configuring Intercompany Billing
Release Billing Documents to Accounting
Explain What Is Credit Memo
Explain What and How To Configure Debit Memo
Creating Invoice Correction Requests
Exchange Rate Controlled In Billing Document
Foreign Trade Data Incomplete
VAT in Ship-To Master File Data Control Screen
Splits Billing Document at Time of Creation
When To Combine Deliveries to One Invoice
Explain What is an EDI Invoice

Shipping Notification
SAP Shipping notification is an important part of the logistics chain in which guaranteed customer service and distribution planning support play major roles.

Procedures to switched off ATP at delivery
Post goods issue must be done on current period - VA02
Additional fields in worklist for VL06O - List Outbound Delivery
Adding additional fields to Delivery Due List
SAP Spools Configuration for Sales/Distribution
Delivery Output Type Default
Stock Transport Order Between Two Plants
Route Determination in Delivery
Sales Order Configuration For Route Determination
Define Shipping Types in Configuration
Packing List Printing

Transaction Codes
SAP Handling Unit Tcode

Shipping Points
Delivery Shipping Points

SAP SD Issues/Problems
SAP SD Discussion Forum

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