Unix MCQ Questions with Answers #9

1) Which of the following keys is used to move the cursor to the end of the paragraph

a. }
b. {
c. |
d. $

2) The command which transcribes the standard input to the standard output and also makes a copy of the same in a file is

a. Tee
b. Tr
c. Sort
d. Grep

3) Which command is used to remove a directory

a. Rd
b. Rmdir
c. Dldir
d. Rdir

4) Which of the following keys is used to replace a dingle character with new text

a. S
b. s
c. r
d. C

5) Which command is used to extract a specific columns from the file

a. Cat
b. Cut
c. Grep
d. Paste

6) Which command sends the word count of the file infile to the newfile.

a. wcinfile>newfile
b. wc<infile>newfile
c. wcinfile - newfile
d. wcinfile | newfile

7) Which command is used to remove the read permission of the file 'note' from both the group and others?

a. chmodgo+r note
b. chmodgo+rw note
c. chmod go-x note
d. chmod go-r, 4-x note

8) Which command is used to concatenate all files beginning with the string 'emp' and followed by a non-numeric characters?

a. cat emp[!0-9]
b. more [emp][!0-9]
c. cat emp[x-z]
d. cat emp[a-z]

9) Which command will be used with vi editor to insert text to left of cursor?

a. s
b. S
c. a
d. i

10) In vi editor, forward search is performed using the command.

a. :pat
b. :pat
c. /pat
d. All of the above


Correct Answers

 1) A

 2) A

 3) B

 4) B

 5) B

 6) A

 7) D

 8) A

 9) D

10) D

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