The name SAP is acronym for Systems, Applications and Products
in Data Processing. SAP is an extremely complicated system where
no one individual can understand all of it.
SAP runs on a fourth generation programming language language
called Advance Business Application
Programming (ABAP). It have many of the features of other modern
programming languages such as the familiar C, Visual Basic, and Power Builder.
Your programs name conventions begins with a letter
yxxx or zxxx.
SAP graphical user interfaces (SAPGUI) runs on Windows /
NT / Unix / AS400. When you are using 3.x you can used the SAPGUI
4.x, ECC, there are no conflicts as the SAPGUI is basically a front end
If you create dialog screen, remembers
to tick Development Tools (utility programs for the Screen Painter) when
you are installing SAPGUI 4.x.
In SAPGUI, you can configure whether
to use the present 3.x screen design or the New 4.x/ECC Visual design (which
is very graphical and computer resource hungry).
Disable the login image to reduce the
memory usage. In transaction SM30,
table SSM_CUST,
create a new entries with Name HIDE_START_IMAGE
and Value to be set YES.
SAP have move towards the Windows Explorer
Screen Format (all the Menu on the left of your screen).
SAP is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software product
capable of integrating multiple business applications, with each application
representing a specific business area. These applications update
and process transactions in real time mode. It has the ability to
be configured to meets the needs of the business.
SAP are categorized into 3 core functional areas:
SAP system has a 3-tier Architecture
Presentation Layer (Windows based)
Application Layer (Windows Server/UNIX)
Database Server Database Layer (Windows Server/UNIX)

Introduction to SAP